Is it to late to move my vegging indoor plants outdoors? southern California


New Member
I wanna move my vegging 12" plants from indoors to out , is it to late in the year ? I live in southern California so it stays warm even up to November.

gsc in organic soil mix in 10" pots

If I do move them what yield can i expect ?


Well-Known Member
not too late if you do it now. If you have indica strain 8 weeks flowering. Sativa 10 weeks. Right now the sunlight outside in your area is 13 hrs 40 mins. If your running veg and put em out they will start to flower pretty quick from the light change. And will be ready by November.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
No ur fine november would be super late tho my plants are always done at the latest 2nd week of october..o fuck im scared am i pulling them to early?


New Member
Protect from frost and you will be ok. Also budworms later in season. People flower outside now without prob but extpect lots of work moving or tenting. They won't be that big. Depends on strain


Active Member
Yeah def depends on the strain, 1 foot plants might reach a 1 1/2 feet to 2 feet, you might get an ounce off each one if you're lucky. Dont give them too many nutes to make up for your lost time or else you'll have a complete mess on your hands. Best of luck
Nope, just put em out and make sure to do everything gradually, maybe take them out for some sunshine throughout the day and bring them back in at night for the dark cycle, and do that for about a week........than put them outside. Plants are more prone to stress and shock from not being gradually introduced to new conditions in the environment it grows in.


Well-Known Member
Perfect time ! transplant to a little bigger pot and throw em out. Don't give em full sunlight all day for a few days or they will get sunburned. You can end up with a 3-4 ft plant still.


Active Member
To be honest.
December isn't even too harsh by any means (temps 65-70F days, 45-58F nights; not much rain/no frost.. easy peezy)
You'll be able to have them outside EASILY till early-mid December... November is a super hot/dry month here

SoCal is weird like that, our rainiest months are January-FEB-March
(if you can EVEN call what we get RAIN! >4in avg monthly rainfall... in our rainiest season!!! just pitiful)


Active Member
I am in kind've the same situation as you.

Started late season from seed 7/19

1 week-- 24/0 after sprout

Then put outside (7/27) in 5 gallon container with a supersoil/compost/amended groundsoil mix
It has been about 2.5 weeks since the transplant; daylight hours in my region are 13.5hrs & dropping
(she gets ~12 hours DIRECT sun a day)

She is 3.5 weeks old and looking very happy just about 8" tall & growing bushy image.jpg
Just waiting for those sex flowers