Is light ok


Well-Known Member
P1010036.jpgHey Guys, had a question. I'm useing a 4', 2-Bulb T-5 flourecent. they seem to be doing ok, but when flowering stage comes will i need to switch to a different light like a high pressure sodium??? still learning


Active Member
View attachment 2097841Hey Guys, had a question. I'm useing a 4', 2-Bulb T-5 flourecent. they seem to be doing ok, but when flowering stage comes will i need to switch to a different light like a high pressure sodium??? still learning
uh yeah whatever your using seems to be working fine. no you will just need to get a 2700k T5 bulb. if you want to go hps thats your decision but thats more money, but better results expected


Active Member
Nice looking plants. Do you intend to keep a perpetual crop going or is this a one time deal for you? If your going perpetual then yes you will need additional lighting. Have you been reading about your options. There are a lot of factors to consider and it is hard for someone to give advice unless they know your plans and the type of grow space you have. Let us know~


Active Member
you shud look into getting a frew CFLs on the side. streching a lil bit. looking healthy though :clap:and get some perlite in tht mix looks a little thick.


Well-Known Member
Mica: I've been using T-5's exclusively from seed propagation or cloning all the way to harvest for the last couple of years so here's my two cents worth. It all depends on the size of your wallet. I'm assuming that you have 5'000K or 6'000K lamps in your fixture now. It's pretty much a matter of choice. I have both and they both work fine from seed propagation or cloning through vegging.

You can flower under T-5's but you'll have to change the tubes to a range of 2,500K, 2,700K or 2,800K. A friend even uses 3,000K, but I don't. I have 2,700K and 2,800K lamps and I can't see any big difference.

A couple of friends veg under T-5's because they use a whole lot less electricity and burn much cooler than the other lighting options flower under HID and HPS. Admittedly, their buds are tighter and more photgenic/prettier than mine but they're no more potent. Since we all use different brands of nutes I don't think that's critical.

The only negative comment I would make from your post is that you're using a two tube T-5 which is very narrow and lights a very narrow area. If your plants are in 1 gallon pots and they're lined up in single file it might work but as you plants bush out you'll notice that T-5's don't do much beyond the immediate area directly under the fixture. The light doesn't spread effectively beyond the fixture size like HPS and HID. But then you can't hang HPS's or HID's a couple of inches over your plants like you can T-5's without frying them.

I have a 2' by 4' by 6 1/2' tent and I only grow my personal meds. One four tube fixture four feet long only lit up half my tent. Every plant not right under my fixture grew scraggly trying to stretch to the light. Now I have two four tube four footers hanging side by side and I can get equal vigorous growth in all eight square feet. It's something to consider. I hope this helps. HSA


Well-Known Member
yes i am looking for a perpetual crop for my own use only. i have lymphoma and the meds seem to calm the effects of the chemo and radiation. I have been studying cloning and gonna try it. is there a way to harvest and not lose the plant?? all info greatly appreciated.......


Well-Known Member
warbalig here
look for things on reveging you mother plant, works nice when you get the hang of it.
hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
You can reveg, but it's not really the best takes longer than clones. I only have a very small space to work in, 3 x4 x10, and i manage a perpetual grow.

I have a rubbermaid container that i use to clone and veg in it has a light trap so can stay in same room during flower.

What you want to do is take clones from your plants right before switching to 12/12 - or when you do your pre flower trim the week before going 12/12

I use a bubble cloner, you can make one out of almost anything...just get the $5-$10 aquarium air pump at wally world. You need an airstone and some hose too.

Make a couple of extra clones, just to be on the safe side. I will keep one or two as "mothers" but they are really just incase something terible happens. The fresh clones from the plants ready to flower are better than what would come off the mother stuck in the little box.

By the time you harvest the clones should be doing good and ready to transplant to final home for vegging then flower. Now if you had more space you could have the clones ready to flower by harvest time. I think 3 rooms can get you a harvest every 3 weeks if you do it right...there is a diagram floating around for that somewhere, i tried it but didn't have enough space.

I use T8's for veg and flower but i have 8 four foot bulbs.



Well-Known Member
Mica: Cervantes does a good job covering cloning so you might want to look there for guidance. Another possibility is keeping a male handy long enough to get some pollen and then selectively pollinate a couple of buds very carefully with a Q-tip, or you can bag it like Cervantes does. I've kept the same strain from bag seed I like going for 28 years with a Q-tip, so I know it works. Try it you might like it. HSA