Is my hood too close? 600W HPS

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
You're probably okay, you could just hang a 42w CFL over them and save some electricity money though. I use a 42w for the first couple weeks.

You should know if you're burning it though, light burn is pretty harsh and noticable. Just keep an eye out


Well-Known Member
This is a good question actually. I'm halfway through my first grow and I didn't know how close the light could be. Someone sent me a chart and for a 600W (wing reflector) the sweet spot was 18". There was a YouTube video and the guy says he starts at 24" with seedlings and then moves closer. That was too much for mine. The girls didn't like to be Sunburned. So I strayed at 24" and kept it there.
@Southerner how do you adjust your reflector height and is it air cooled or not? Does the air cooled enable you to get closer therefore better?


Well-Known Member
Whatever you find uncomfortable your plants do too.

Place your hand underneath your light and see how close you can have your hand before it becomes too warm. A little bit below this too warm zone is where your plants can be to get the most light without having to worry about heat stress. A gentle fan blowing above the seeds but not onto them can disperse some of the heat and as your seedlings grow a gentle breeze will also help strengthen them up a fair bit.

You can do HPS the whole grow in case you were wondering. A lot of people will tell you MH is better and it's only a little true. With it's high lumen output HPS is perfectly fine for vegetating and many growers go straight HPS the whole grow. Of course there is no downside to full spectrum lighting but use what you got man, looks like you're off on your way to buds.
Whatever you find uncomfortable your plants do too.

Place your hand underneath your light and see how close you can have your hand before it becomes too warm. A little bit below this too warm zone is where your plants can be to get the most light without having to worry about heat stress. A gentle fan blowing above the seeds but not onto them can disperse some of the heat and as your seedlings grow a gentle breeze will also help strengthen them up a fair bit.

You can do HPS the whole grow in case you were wondering. A lot of people will tell you MH is better and it's only a little true. With it's high lumen output HPS is perfectly fine for vegetating and many growers go straight HPS the whole grow. Of course there is no downside to full spectrum lighting but use what you got man, looks like you're off on your way to buds.
Thanks man I moved it up a lil bit more jus to b on the safe side lol they look ok for the most part