leafs curling up PICS

so my leafs are curling up and bending in other directions to. should i cut the stuff off. it only one plant im bout to throw it away and grab another. idk what its prob is. i have been giving it a house and garden root ecceller, cns17 and some fish firts. why whould the leafs curl up???and right to left? the new growth didnt seem to have it so i thought it was maybe a hot spot but its starting now to. i need to fix please help. any ideas


Active Member
You want to do a complete flush of your plant & or plants if they all have the same problems. Flush the medium being what the plant is sitting in, with 3 times the amount in gallons. After you do that, if your in soil dont water for a few days at least. Next move your plants away from the light a bit to a more shady area,this will cause your plants to start greening up and building more chlorophyl. Dont have any fans blowing directly on your plants this can cause burning,curling,and twisting leaf's and even tips. Another thing keep your temps around 70-80F humidity-45-60%. Hope this helped. Stay up Oregon.