Lighting help


:wall: I just started my own grow cabinet. The Specs. of the cabinet are as followes :

Vegg side:
44 in Height
36 in Width
24 in Wide

Flower side:
44 in hight
36 in Width
24 in Wide

64 degrees


Lights on:
18-6 cycle

Well here is my questions. I currently have 6 plants growing with 6x 23 watt CFL. Is this enough light? I dont expect them all to be girls. They are just bag seeds that I came across.plants 1.pngplants 2.pngplants.pngplants 4.pngplants 5.png

The last 2 pics in the row are what the light system use to look like. The First 3 pictures are how the Grow Cabinet is set up now.
Will this set up do the Job? Also the Flowering side is set up the same way.

Thx for Any and All Info
Happy Growing :leaf:


Get the 2 seedlings in the same container in separate ones asap!! Their roots will become tangled and they will compete against each other only hurting their growth.

I started pretty similar to what you did with a bunch of bagseed seeds under CFL's. Everything was going fine until they started to get pretty big. I realized that I would need way too many CFL's down the road so I invested in an HPS system. A 150 watt one was 70 bucks on ebay(big investment up front but about even in the long run bc I woulda had to buy so many CFL's)

I have 2 pretty decent sized plants that I'm about to switch over to flowering. I couldnt be any happier with the HPS system. I would look into one if I were you.


Well-Known Member
^ Solid advice. The general consensus on lighting is that if you can afford it, and you can manage the heat, HPS is probably the best. But if you're anything like me, and enjoy hobby-growing with CFLs, you'll want to increase the number of bulbs you have in your current setup for the flowering cycle. Make sure you're using the right bulb spectrum thoughout the grow (6400k for vegging, and 2700k for flowering).

The more bulbs within close proximity to the plants, the better. I would lower your bulbs to within an inch or two from the top of your plants. Like gbong said, separate the two which are in the same container. If that's aluminium foil taped to the inside of your grow space, tear it down. Although it looks like it reflects light quite well, it doesn't. It really only creates heat spots. If you can afford a can of flat white paint, buy it and paint the inside of your box white. A roll of mylar isn't expensive, though.



Well-Known Member
Get the 2 seedlings in the same container in separate ones asap!! Their roots will become tangled and they will compete against each other only hurting their growth.

I started pretty similar to what you did with a bunch of bagseed seeds under CFL's. Everything was going fine until they started to get pretty big. I realized that I would need way too many CFL's down the road so I invested in an HPS system. A 150 watt one was 70 bucks on ebay(big investment up front but about even in the long run bc I woulda had to buy so many CFL's)

I have 2 pretty decent sized plants that I'm about to switch over to flowering. I couldnt be any happier with the HPS system. I would look into one if I were you.
I didn't plan that far ahead, and have just been doing step by step with my first CFL grow, and so far have about $110 into 300w of bulbs, but with my space limitations, it's working out well.


I didn't plan that far ahead, and have just been doing step by step with my first CFL grow, and so far have about $110 into 300w of bulbs, but with my space limitations, it's working out well.

I didnt plan that far in advance ether and spent a lot on CFL's too that I probably coulda avoided. But CFL's do work to grow the plant, positioning them just gets difficult after a month or so. Good luck on the grow! Keep the pics coming!


Ok so this is the week 3 and week 4 updates on the plants in my make shift grow room. :clap:

The first picture that is up is of my twins. (2 plants 1 pot not a good idea).
These plants are at 4 weeks old. I tried to Fim them it did not work so the next thing i did was bend them and man did the branches start comming out.

The next 3 pictures are of my other hopefully ladies. These plants are at the 3 week old stage.

Due to this being my first grow i was not really looking to spend a whole lot of cash. ( wasn't sure if growing was for me )

I am using 14x 23w CFL's
MG Soil
MG 15-15-10 nutes
lights on 24-0
temp- 70 -75 degress
Humidity -55-70 %

Let me know what you guys think. Like i said I know that i am using the wrong soil and nutes for the big paydays, I just wanted to get a grow or two under my belt before I started really spending some cash.

All imput is welcomed and put to good use. Thx for your time and help.



Well-Known Member
Looks like they are doing well, thought the lights might be too far away but it seems fine for Veg. I would highly suggest doing a SCROG, it uses the space and lights the best. This grow might give you a few tips, its similar except yours is actually about twice as big.


i used a 2 ft dryer duct extension piece from lowes or home depot. they are priced the same at $3.48 each. It works GREAT.