Lights for seedlings


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,
I really want to know how many plants i can grow for veg under a 4x18W T5 setup?
and can I use HPS (400W) from seedlings? I just couldn't find information about it.
and I can mention that I will grow Lowryder#2.
can someone help? :)


Well-Known Member
"can I use HPS (400W) from seedlings?" Google the quoted section.
and another question,
can I put 10 small pots under the T5 (4x18W) like for a week and then put them under HPS? that would be allrihgt?
sorry for silly questions, I'am new in this thing. :)


Well-Known Member
yes, but if you get them used to the small light you will have to adjust them to the hps, keep them further away than if you had just started them under the 400


Active Member
It honestly is all preference. Think of it this way.... Seedlings in nature aren't eased into strong sunlight and the sun is much more powerful (not sure the exact exponential difference than a 400w mh/hps) but i moved my seedlings under Mh (keeping it 3 feet away and bringing it down an inch every light cycle) after a week old and they seem to be loving it. Their greens are beautiful and i can already notice the stalks of the seeds getting beefier. If you do put them under HID invest in a few clip on fans or something of that sort, a thermometer/hydrometer with an external probe (i like to place it near the plants so i know what the temp is near their base) and last but not least a humidifier. If you are having problems with your humidity levels you can get a cheap one (relion cool mist humidifier 28$ at wallyworld) and i can not stress enough that you want a COOL MIST humidifier. Warm mist will throw your temperatures all out of wack.

But again when it comes straight down to the method you use its just personal choice. Have fun with your first grow and use it as a learning experience.


Active Member
HID's ie. hps MH are hard on young plants they draw a ton of moisture out of the little ladies.....sometimes they can dry out and kill young plants that do not have sufficient root structure to keep we place the babies further away than usual to protect them......BUT once you have moved them to a safe distance you loose much of the light's people use cfls, this way you can place the little ones dirrectly under them until the grow some legs that will help them run under an HID light. Also cool white cfls emit light in the blue spectrum, preffered by seedlings and vegetating plants.
good luck