Little green bugs


Well-Known Member
Location UK (indoors, attic)
My first grow - one plant - Northern Lights.
Plant is 4 months old.
One week into 12-12

Top side of leaf has small silvery patches and there are tiny green bugs on the underside.

About 30% of the plant is affected; all in the middle, the rest seems quite healthy.


Any ideas?
Thanks :)bug2.jpgbug1.jpgbug3.jpg

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
They look like aphids to me but I'm not certain. I do see what appear to be eggs and larvae, so I would definitely try a pesticide. I hope someone else will give you a better answer.


Well-Known Member
Ugh - thanks for the clarification.
I'm off to the garden centre tomorrow!

Is there any issue regarding pesticide and smoking? (I mean - any treatments needed before harvesting?)
Or should I stick to pesticides for edible plants only?

Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Hello Achaa. I had the same Bugs in my Greenhouse a few months back. I went to B&Q and got some Provado Ultimate Bug Killer Concentrate. You can use it on All food crop's and it worked straight away for me. Better still was it was cheap as well at around about £8.00 for 400ml that makes up to 27 liters. IMGP1027.jpg They sell it in Homebase as well but was more expensive. I only mixed 15ml instead of 20ml per ltr as i didn't want to kill my girls and so far my Greenhouse is Bug Free.
Good Luck with your Girl ;-)


Well-Known Member
Your very welcome. ;-) If you need any help just give me a shout ;-) I won't pretend that i know everything but I've got a Shedload of MJ books and Dvd's for reference as well as a farmer who lives next door lol...
Good luck with the killing spree..... :-)


Well-Known Member
I had to report back because that stuff is amazing.
I checked my baby a few minutes ago and I can't find a single bug anywhere after only one spray yesterday.

Excellent recommendation mate - thanks again. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm glad i could help ;-) If they have left any egg's you might have to re-spray again in about a week. but you should be OK as it is ;-)


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'll be keeping an eye on it of course :)

But now you mention it - I didn't spot any eggs either.
I suspect it contains some form of bio-solvent which causes the eggs to fall. I'll have to give it a good shake tomorrow.