Little Help?

I'm going to try a scrog in a 1x1x2m room(1m = 3ft 3inches). It's basically my first grow but I've got a fairly clear "gameplan".

I've got one major aspect still wide open(how to maximize the yield from the space at hand, which was only recently determined), and at this point I've got 2 possible approaches in mind;

1 plant in a 5 gallon pot, or
4 plants in(maybe)3gallon pots(more precisely 12l and 20l, so a tad bigger than 5 and 3gal)

I'm leaning towards the idea of 4 because:

I would be making sure the whole m2 was green
I'm hoping that I can save a bit of time in veg, hence 3gal pots(and ofcorse because of the limited space),

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
what strain of plant are u doing

that is the factor u need to account for ...........some strains u can do 4 plants on in that space but others that area is way to small
i made a plant that is a whole 4x4x6 tent

1 what strain ..........what is it height and yeild
2 what kind of grow soil/hydro
3 what is your lvl of skill.........have u grown this strain naturally to know what it does/likes
4 have u accounted for the fact once the plant is in there and flowering u are unable to move her out to flush or fix any troubles (draining the water in the hydro system)
I'll be growing in soil. Strain White Widow, most likely(nothing too stretchy atleast). I'll be keeping the plant(s) in a larger container from which I'll pump out extra water, thank you for pointing that out. I'm deeply into and fascinated by the biology, physics and chemistry behind plant growth(though my knowledge is still very narrow), and I've no practical experience other than observing a couple of amateur projects from close.

I'll be using 400w MH and 400w HPS. I hear using MH at the beginning of the flowering stage will contribute to a more compact plant, have you got an opinion on this?

Much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
my best advice would be start small

plant one in soil .............a 3 gallon soil bag (why soil bags they breath so the roots air prune so they do not ball up and choke out .......u can not really over water since whatever the soil does not hold will come leaking out bottom/ makes it easy to flush)

grow it natural no SCRoG use what ever feed system u plant on and fallow your routine u have planned out once like that
this way u can see how your plan does
what the plant needs vs what u are giving it in food
this will be your baseline ..........what the yeild will be / how offen u need to water/how much feed it takes/how much water it takes/how long to grow and what it looks like

i do this with every singal strain i run (first ones is good but 2nd ones always better since u dailed more of it in for that strain)

look at this like a shake down run not put a bunch of plants in and just go if u have missed something or something goes wrong u have not looked into u could lose the investment u put out in the soil/feed/seeds

oh here is a crash info that i know
3 gallon soil bag will hold no more then 1/2 gallon of water after that it will leak out
u need to buy a organic feed line with soil (organic feed will feed the micrbos in the soil those guys are good for several reason but mainly they PH the soil and keep it at 6.5 ).........this means u just need to use clean water (city water that has been clean correct or well water or drinking water jugs from the store) add the feed to the water and then give it to the plants .....u do not need to ph it or anything the micrbos do that .............look up GO BOX on amazon 40 bucks whole organic line

400w mh and hps good choice should make tight flowers
please know this a MH light is to strong to use to start the plants (the height and lumens will not matter it just to much at first)

most of us use a T5 or CFLs to start the plants from sprout to the first set of true leaves as a bio guy u know the lingo and i do not need to post pics

a CFL light u can go to a home depot and get a clip on light socket and pack of Daylight cfls fo 20 22 bucks............if u are planning on alot of plants grab a couple of the clip on lights

here are some old charts about MH and HPS distances vs lumens...................the other ones is just a clear pic to explain the CFLs they sell (so get good ones)



Well-Known Member
oh........i was assuming that u know about cooltubes and all but i could be wrong so here it goes

with a MH and a HPS u make alot of heat and need to remove it from the tent ................ they have something called cootubes ............they are a tube with a mongul inside for the light u hook ducting on the back and suck air tho it and it keep the tent cool

they have several designs and sizes made by several ppl ................what ever hood reflector u do buy u want to make sure has the best dispertion rate of the light to your tent ................i personally dislike the wings and like a ridged hood.......this is my fav and it is 10 bucks cheaper now

your tent size is small so your Cubic Feet is low so basically a 6 inch hood/cooltube with ducting a 6 inch booster fan would be strong enough to keep the tent supplied with fresh air for plants and remove the heat from the light
I've got a couple of CFLs, one with blue and one with red spec. I've also scouted me a fitting cooltube, thanks again.

One of the main reasons I'm doing this crop is to experiment and learn, which is why I wanted to try something little more complex(scrog) than just tying down bagseed(which I have, not the best learning experience but still). I'm willing to take a few risks in order to maximize the knowledge gained from this one crop. I've another 3 plants soon going to flower and are very healthy and risk-free atm, so it could be worse. I learn best by fucking up, so scrog might just be the way to go ;)

As for soil and food, I'll be looking into it.

Thanks for taking the time.


Well-Known Member
your doing bag seeds
do not scrog with bag seeds .............u will get males with a close in like that if u do not notice intime they could cause u to have seeds in the smoke
if u are down for doing this all at once ..................u really should femized the seeds with a chemical treatment or order some seeds from a seedbank

bag seeds are ok to use to learn on but the genetics and strain details are not at your hand ...............every strain is different i have ones that like me to feed them 220% the str of what i feed the other ones

i started out the way u did but i went with AutoFlowering seeds to remove varibles.............take them out untill i know extactly what to do work on sections then move to the next once u feel mastered it

one of the fun ones i can tell u to try ..............order a strain that is a high yeild 300 450 grams plant it in a 3 gallon bag (this is small for those plants) and then grow it as big as u can with just that soil and feed ..............that is how i learned to mix feed and read plants
Won't be bagseeding for scrog, I'll be using female clones most likely. Not liking the idea of Autoflowering, not quite yet.

As for your little experiment, it sounds intresting. I think you've helped me plenty, thanks alot.