Making the most out of 1000w? Experienced grower's opinions


New Member
Hey everyone, new to the forums and doing some research. There's alot of good info on here, and I have been reading for a while, but it's still difficult to
accurately tell what the best techniques are since I am not experienced enough.

If a person was interested in starting a grow of Purple Kush and was limited to 1000w (for the lights generally) or so of energy at a time and wanted to
make the absolute maximum of it how would you go about it?

From what I have read it I was thinking that using a Sea of Green style technique with a 12/12 cycle from start to finish could be interesting. Since the
grow would be 12/12, there could be 2 rooms with a 1000w in each, alternating energy supply between each cycle. This seems to be a way to
maximize grow space and energy expenditure, but being as I have no experience I would truly love to have experienced grower's feedback and opinions.

Also any tips and tricks people have for growing Purple Kush in particular would be greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
You could veg, and then switch to 12/12 on the same light in the same room.
or have two rooms one HID flower, and the other cfl veg. it's nice to keep a mother plant for cloning.
or you could do auto flowers. SCROG, SOG
You have several options with that 1000w., but what ever works best for your situation.
IMO-first grow, I'd do something simple. Veg, Flower. take a few clones before you put her to flower. When your plants are done flowering your cuttings will be @ 2months old and ready to put into flower.


New Member
Well I am looking to maximize the potential for those 1000 watts. The 1000 watts is only basically for the lighting, as I don't want to go higher than that. Theoretically there would be a room for the mothers for cloning. There is enough room for any size plants, but if the room could be built smaller to save space, that is a big plus. Generally trying to find the most efficient grow in terms of electricity and size, although if taking more room would really make a huge difference then the rooms could be made bigger.


Well-Known Member
So no matter the technique used 1000w should always cover 6x6 area of plants?[/QUOTE
Its hard to answer some of these questions.. A 1000 watt light will cover a 6x6x6 cube.The very best advice i can give you before you get started is be prepared for some frustration. The best thing you can do is set your envirement or your grow room up correctly . Fan for constant air movement . temps kept at 75 F when lights on 65 or so when lights out. 50% humidity intake and exhaust fan to keep air change over in the room.Purchase a good hood like a super cobra.line the sides of the grow area with ORCA film. lay orca film under the plants on the floor so it can reflect light back up into the canopy.I hang curtains around the sides made of orca some electrical conduit and some ratchet hangers to ajust them with around the sides of the light spread to reflect it back in on the sides of the plants.Good luck to you.


Well-Known Member
The way Maximize my 1000 watter is by vegging 8 plants in my small place for 7 to 8 weeks. Then for flowering I split the grow in two. The light stays on 24/7. I move 4 plants to a dark room every 12 hours and the other 4 to the grow room. The last kosher kush grow some plants grew to 6 feet.

That way your plants will have plenty of room to flower. I got almost 2 lbs. last grow of kosher kush. Cost more in electricity and is more labor intensive but it will yield at least 30% if not more. more then if all plants stayed in the same room.


New Member
You got almost 2lbs from a single 1000w using 12/12? As for the veg process, you are able to cram in twice the amount in the same space because the plants are still small? And how come you say it will cost more electricity? Wouldn't it cost you less electricity per gram of harvest in the end since you would be technically growing close to twice the amount?

Thanks for everyone's opinions.


Well-Known Member
No I was using 24/7. The light is always on I move the plants instead every 12 hrs. Also they are in 15 gallon pots. So that way in flower they have an abundance of room to flower and grow roots. My kosher kush plant grew 3 to 4 times bigger in flower. If you go with quantity instead of quality and grew one of those high yielding variety I bet you could grow close to 4 lbs that way with 1000 watt light.


Well-Known Member
So no matter the technique used 1000w should always cover 6x6 area of plants?
No, but it will get you in the ballpark.
The grow bible talks about Lumens per square foot as a light area guide, it's a good read.
You have to think about the inverse square rule for light also
and reflective materials, Mylar, or something similar.


New Member
Ok, thanks for that.

So would you guys think that if I were to veg say 12 plants for about 3 weeks, then switch them to flowering and use 6 plants under each light (or a single light where I move the plants) for a 12/12 would yield the largest yields?


I personally would not want to move plants in and out. Knowing me, lol, I would drop one or injure one. I just wouldn't want that risk. I run 16 ladies under a 1000 watter. I use a 4x4 table and 3 gallon pots, 4 rows of 4. I normally veg (18 hours light 6 hours dark) for about 2 weeks. Top them, veg another week, "lollipop" n veg another week. Then start the flowering phase with a 48 hour period of darkness.
A shelving unit from Home Depot with 8 4" fluorescent tubes for clones on 24/7. A 2' 6' by 4' closet with 8 24 watt cfl's for 2 or 3 mothers on 18 Off 6. And a 6'x6' room for flowering with 1000W hps. I have 21 2 Gallon pots under hps flowering. That is alot, 18 Is what i flower must often. And I'll get just under 2 lbs every 90 Days.


Well-Known Member
I use a light mover for my 1000 w HPS in flowering room and cover a larger area with 1 light and still get good yield. I have an 8 foot track and the light moves back and forth over my girls.


Well-Known Member
Just finished my first large vert grow. I am soo impressed I probably won't ever build another horizontal room.

I am growing trees because my numbers are limited..but if I were you... Round cage around a bare 1,000 bulb. Arrange plants around the cage and train them around the bulb. No hood, no glass, no reflecting the light, no fans, no duct work, I'm telling you. If you can keep the room cool it's pretty fucking money

But..if your illegal, I would do SOG, without a doubt. Veg for like 1 week, flip.

Good luck