Male banannas, Harvest time? (Pics)


Well-Known Member
Ok, 9th week of flower, took some sample buds and found a set of male bannanas. Ive head that this is the last attempt at self pollenation to insure survival. So is it time to harvest? Trichs almost at 50%.


Well-Known Member
Don't let those late-onset balls force you into doing anything. Stick with whatever your preference on trichome condition is.. Generally, if hermie balls come on after week 4-5 or so, there isn't enough time for seed to form. If they're just a few, pick them off for piece of mind maybe... or not. Shouldn't matter at this point.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick response. I value my girls and want them to be just right.


Well-Known Member
I've also heard that seeds produced from these "late on-set" balls will produce only feminized seeds? Professionals... Anyone ... Anyone ... Bueller?