Male or Female..or too early to Tell? *pics*


Active Member
I totally agree with you hydro too many ppl quick to tell ppl about shit they don't understand. From the research ive done it seems males do produce far less thc which as we all know is what we love for its psycoactive properties but the do produce other chemicals which are used mainly for cooking and have other benefits like increasing the effect of antibiotics etc. not gospel just something i read


New Member
You can't smoke correction you wouldn't want to smoke the males as they don't produce THC. The THC is what gets you high... males are only good for reproducing nothing else. Such a shame to...bongsmilie
males produce THC all cannabis does, females only produce higher amounts, i feel bad for you thinking this who knows how many male plants you have stupidly thrown away, ive used all my male trimmings and made some killer iso hash with them, trust me there was plenty of black gooey THC just from that alone to know that they do and in fact can get you high, it was superb at that no one would even know it was from a male. smoking them without extraction isnt going to be good though, probably would get you mildly high but will leave a very nasty taste in your mouth as well as probably give you a immediate headache.

dont waste your males, just break them down and save them for a rainy day and some nice hash of your choice!