Male Seedlings affect mature females?

A friend told me that even when a male plant is just at it's seedling stage, the female plants have some sort of sense that recognizes the male plant. And can eventually turn the females into hermies? I found 3 seeds from a 8th of girl scout cookies and they all sprouted. I just hope they can't affect my outdoor grow.


Well-Known Member
Afraid your friend doesn't know what he's talking abt." I found 3 seeds from a 8th of girl scout cookies " WTF does that mean ?


Well-Known Member
Afraid your friend doesn't know what he's talking abt." I found 3 seeds from a 8th of girl scout cookies " WTF does that mean ?
i think girl scout cookies is a strain

it does not seem impractical to think that male and female plants interact

but i think the only way they do that is sexually

and you have as much to worry about there from a seedling as you do with keeping a 5 year old from getting someone pregnant


Well-Known Member
Girl Scout Cookies- very high grade strain grown in California only at present. Seeds traded and sold online between private parties only so far as I can tell. Been trying for a year to make a deal on some.


Well-Known Member
And, c'mon, plants don't choose to go transgender. It's a genetic tendency induced at some point by an attempt to assure survival of the strain. If my biology professor knew what he was smoking. I mean, saying. His theory was pot isthe only plant that can switch sex or assign both sexes to one plant. He feels that since bees are not attracted to it and wind and gravity are the vectors for pollinization that the plant, by environmental strains and factors, is induced to provide seed for when times are better.


Well-Known Member
OK so it's a strain, there are so many diff names out there it's gets a little confusing as to what one is saying.


Active Member
What's up with everyone and GSC this year everyone in the west and the OG crosses yeah your friend was blowing smoke up your ass about what he knows intersex plants are caused by stress pollinated females are caused by mature male pollen fertilizing females.
GSC is OG x Cherry Pie (Durban poison x GDP). I didn't go looking for this strain, it just happen to fall on my lap so I figured why the fuck not? I'm trying to make a m other for next years grow.I always loved anything with GDP. Canday!