Man Where Have All My Mods Gone??


Well-Known Member
My pc was down for a while and when I got back on most my friends that are/were moderators have disappeared. One of my favorites was Ella Jean. Another Was fdd2blk but his account is still active just no post for months. They basically left a shell of an account behind. Was there like a mod war or something?? :shock:


bud bootlegger
i think ella jean was only a hired gun to take care of things for awhile when we only had a few mods on the site..

about a year or so ago, they asked if anyone wanted to be a mod, and of what section, so now each section has it's own mods, some have around 3 or 4 i believe as well like toke and talk..

and yes, fdd'ed has run into a few problems like cannibineer mentioned.. :(