maple syrup worth the try??


Active Member
Ok I keep hearing that maple syrup will add a lot of flavor to the finished product?? Ok I also heard some nasty tips. One was to use Womens monthly blood to make plants females but I don't get how that would be true lol idk


Well-Known Member
no, its molasses people use. All it is doing is feeding the beneficial bacteria that have a symbiotic relationship with the root system. That tampon shit is some sick fucking joke some bastard told you to see if he could actually get you to do it.

mr wrong

Well-Known Member
Tampon shit is nasty as fuck. Not much churns my gut, but nasty clotted up coochie blood is one of them.

Bwahaha bustinscales knows it, anyone else see that bird eat her coota cork?

Igot a mate who seems to think adding contraceptive pills stops females lol


Active Member
Lol ya this old tuner does that nasty stuff to all his outdoor plants lol said it's just like blood meal. crazy stuff ppl do