Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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This isn't a debate. This is you trying to humiliate me for talking shit about your hero.
Why would I care about trying to humiliate you?

the fuck?

I thought you and I were cool. I don't care about anyones personal life. I'm not interested in doxxing anyone I disagree with. It's gotten to the point, now, where that level of respect isn't reciprocated. Opposition of political opinion, to some, is regarded as assault because they can't respect the 1st amendment and can't accept legitimate criticism.

I don't consider Sanders my 'hero'. He's a politician with some good ideas who I happen to agree with. If he were to accept corporate bribes tomorrow, I would disavow him just as quickly. It has nothing to do with the man and everything to do with the policies he supports. This is why I also support many other politicians who support the same political policies.
So did I. Boy was I ever fucking wrong. You're defending the use of homophobic and racist slurs, while claiming to be a proponent for LGBTQ rights and a "progressive" thinker. I'm actually really embarrassed for you right now.
All speech is protected under the 1st amendment, especially the speech you disagree with the most. You have to understand that If that weren't the case, you would not have the right to criticize Trump. Really think about that. Is that what you want?
All speech is protected under the 1st amendment, especially the speech you disagree with the most. You have to understand that If that weren't the case, you would not have the right to criticize Trump. Really think about that. Is that what you want?
So, your baby boy pants are in a twist because Pin and I have completely owned you tonight and you owe us both a sammich bitch.

As a result you defile yourself with homophobic attacks on one of the coolest people on this site. What a shameful display of poor self control. You lost your arguments. Destroyed, actually and so you degrade yourself to get back. What a loser.
One fanatical segment of the far left wants to continue to ridicule, doxx, disrespect, dehumanize, and condone violence to solve the problem

No reason to believe that won't work, right?

Does proposing not doing any of those things mean you support their racist bullshit?


This poster on Reddit said it better than I could, and I think he's right;
So far, it seems to be elements of the extreme right/white supremacists who are doing the maiming and killing; witness the asshole who drove his car into a crowd of anti fascist counter protesters.
first off, you're not a progressive. see "f***ots", "herd like mentality", "men's rights", duct tape, etc.

second, naming and shaming and getting nazis fired is not violence.

although i do advocate for killing nazis. it's basic self-defense and just good policy.
Then you are absolutely as much of an intolerant thug as they are.

The rule of law must be respected by everyone, all the time. No one gets a free pass. That includes people who want to kill Nazis.

Because you're obviously too stupid to figure this out on your own, THEY ACTUALLY WANT VIOLENCE. So getting violent with them is playing right into their strategy. If you want to be a witless tool of white supremacist alt right Nazi wannabes, keep on spewing your hateful shit, advocating for the very same violence they are.

But don't think we won't keep calling you out on it, stupid thug.
i advocate for killing in self defense.

nazis advocate for killing in the name of "ethnic cleansing".

how fucking retarded are you?
When/if they attack you, personally, in a way that you're protected from by law.


But such fine distinctions are lost in your increasingly polemic brand of hate speech.
This poster on Reddit said it better than I could, and I think he's right;

All you people so gung-ho about punching Nazis: go do it. See what fucking happens. Go to one of these rallies and just cold cock one of these guys in the face. Do you think he's going to get back up and say "Oh now I get it! I shouldn't hate non Christan whites. Man this whole racism thing sure is silly huh?" Do think the rest of the rally is just going to stand there and let it go without incident? You you think these people aren't just wanting to bait you into violence just so they can respond with another car ramming into a crowd? Or maybe they'll use those guns for more than show next time.

You think you won't make these people more radicalized by threatening violence to silence them? You think you won't be justifying their narrative that the left is out to get the white man? And how far are you willing to take this? What if punching them doesn't stop them? Why not just put them in camps, deprive them of their rights, and keep their horrible ideology separate from the rest of us? Fuck why not just kill them? They're just Nazi scum. It's not like they're people or anything. And who's to say who a Nazi is? Are we all just going to agree on some criteria? Are you just going to just decide for yourself? Do any of you think you have the moral clarity to be judge, jury, and exucutioner?

Nothing good will come of this. You will only contribute to the problem and put more lives at risk. They are horrible people with a horrible ideology, but they have every right to say it. And you have every right to denounce them in the harshest possible terms. But you don't have the right to maim and kill your fellow man because you disagree with them. Let law enforcement do their jobs and deal with the criminals in these groups that break the law. This violent, unconstitutional brand of street justice isn't the path we want to go down. And it isn't what any reasonable interpretation of Captain America would want you to do. -BookerDraper

Yep, just another "kick social justice warriors to the curb" post from RIU's resident Nazi in larval stage. The point he just made is that the liberal left should just step aside and let the upcoming generation of African Americans watch jack booted US Nazis march unopposed in our streets waving the Nazi flag under which 6 million Jews were murdered or wearing regalia of the KKK with its own murderous message while shouting racist epithets at the peaceful protesters holding signs. Because if we confront social injustice, we'll hurt the feelz of racists.

That shithead whose post Pad slavered over conveniently distorts the purpose of Antifa defense of the City of Charlottesville. It wasn't about turning hardcore racists into flower children. It was about sending the message to all in the community of Charlottesville -- black, white, women, children, brown and Asian Americans -- that they shouldn't have to live in fear of bigoted haters. They gave the children of Charlottesville the image of Nazi's being given back what they propose to do to the minorities of this country. They put their own lives on the line to show that social justice isn't just about Facebook, it's about getting into the faces of bigots and hate mongering racists to tell them they aren't fit for living in civilized society. They give the message to racists that will be faced down in the streets, hounded on the internet and wherever possible their livelihood will be put at risk.

One of those Nazi's was so enraged he showed the true face of Trump's racist base and in his rage comitted mayhem and murder. The only place his message is safe is Fox news and right wing radio. The true source of @Padawanbater2 's rhetoric.
So, your baby boy pants are in a twist because Pin and I have completely owned you tonight and you owe us both a sammich bitch.

As a result you defile yourself with homophobic attacks on one of the coolest people on this site. What a shameful display of poor self control. You lost your arguments. Destroyed, actually and so you degrade yourself to get back. What a loser.
This is silly immature drivel. You used to actually have reasoned arguments.

You've been spending too much time around psychotic thugs who don't think the rule of law applies to them.
This is silly immature drivel. You used to actually have reasoned arguments.

You've been spending too much time around psychotic thugs who don't think the rule of law applies to them.
He defiled himself with homophobic attacks on one of the coolest people on the site. You might disagree with my opinion on why he did it. I think Pad lost his mind and sank to a level we've seen him go to before. If you think he was rational when he went after pin in homophobic attacks, then that's probably worse.
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He defiled himself with homophobic attacks on one of the coolest people on the site. You might disagree with my opinion on why he did it. I think Pad lost his mind and sank to a level we've seen him go to before. If you think he was rational when he went after pin in homophobic attacks, then that's probably worse.
I'm so totally over pada's display of gay pride last night. Now I know that it's ok to call anyone I want a fa**ot just so long as it's in context.

You flatter me, sir. This place wouldn't be the same without your beautiful voice to regulate the radical idiocy.
I'm so totally over pada's display of gay pride last night. Now I know that it's ok to call anyone I want a fa**ot just so long as it's in context.

You flatter me, sir. This place wouldn't be the same without your beautiful voice to regulate the radical idiocy.
On top of the emotions brought up in me over the events of the weekend, I'm still raw over what I saw here last night.

I'm not regulating radical idiocy, I'm just opposing it whenever is see it. I oppose it whenever I see it. You are a cool guy. I've enjoyed and learned from your posts. Just asking you to keep it up.
On top of the emotions brought up in me over the events of the weekend, I'm still raw over what I saw last night.

I'm not regulating radical idiocy, I'm just opposing it whenever is see it. I oppose it whenever I see it. You are a cool guy. I've enjoyed and learned from you posts. Keep it up.
Forgive me. I'm on my man-period. I'm manstruating.

I think that's why I let him get such a grip on me last pm. I'll be honest, it cut me to the core. But, I think I understand what's up now.

Thank you for the kind words. I know it sounds corny, but it actually means a lot to me you would say that.
Watch as the thought guide for Sandernistas deride protesters who pulled down a monument to Confederate defense of slavers. He gives lip service to the reason but mocks the people doing it.

Kyle: "here's why I couldn't get mad at it" What a tepid statement. Kyle Kulinski is a skilled propagandist, so don't recommend listening to him for long. He's really good at it. Just the first three minutes or so tells you what he's about. By minute four he starts repeating the same message for another 8 or more minutes in the Rush Limbaugh tradition of repeating messages again and again to get it firmly in place with his accepting audience. This is the shit @ttystikk and @Padawanbater2 have been promoting for about a year now. I don't know who is funding him and can't say where this guy's real ethics lie. Just saying, it smells like right wing funded propaganda directed at the liberals who are still butthurt and vulnerable to their propaganda.

His message wasn't bad. It's the way he portrayed the people who brought that statue down that was sneaky bullshit. Instead of celebrating them, he says "I can't get mad at it". Basically saying "it was wrong but I'll overlook that and look at those spazzes." Mocking the targeted group in order to marginalize them is a common propaganda tactic.

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