Matinuska Valley ThunderFuck

added a second 600w during flowering. Wasn't running very good ventilation :( while i was trying to figure out how to best manage the heat/air/humidity, the girls suffered a few hot, muggy days. They showed bud sites after about 10 days of 12/12 but the buds stopped growing bigger after 2 weeks of flowering. all but 2. 2 of them seem to be uneffected? can anyone confirm this was heat/humidity? and can they bounce back and start flowering again or is this trauma like this usually a death sentence? The one on the left of the pic is obviously one of the good ones and the one on the right is an example of the others. any ideas?
-they were all clones from the same cali dispensary.
-they are all in foxfarm with ff nutes


Active Member
plants are changing gears constantly. you can go a week without seeing much growth and then bam, it switches gears finally and starts growing like a motherfucker and then itll stop again while its doing something else. Its not constant at all, co2 will definately speed things up though. Just make your own co2 contraption using a 2L bottle, sugar water and yeast. The mixture produces co2 that can be sent up to your plants via airline hose connected to the cap of the bottle. Look it up, tutorials for this are everywhere. Also, a plant that is really badly stressed will never fully recover and you cant expect to get an average yield from them.
thanks. trying to figure out if i just abort that really bad ones to make more breathing room for the remaining survivors


Active Member
thats what I do. Those small lower buds are commonly called "suckers" because they suck up a lot of nutrients before they get to your nice healthy buds that are getting plenty of light. Also, a little bit of stress is actually good for trichome production and it could be my imagination but I really think my buds get frostier after I prune :)