Messed Up Topping Easy Sativa with Pics Included. Please Help


Active Member
This is my second time topping and I went without a guide and messed them up I thought.. Then I really messed them up and cut off the whole tops of the plants.. Here they are about three weeks old. I am going on vaca saterday and was going to plant them tonight or tomorrow before I leave... Please tell me if I should still plant them or just throw them out... Thank you very much for the quick response I hopefully get .. Here are the pics



I don't see much hope for those. When I top, I grow the plant 5-6 internodes tall, then top just above the second TRUE set, IOW, the second set that has multiple "fingers". That way, you produce 4 rather hefty colas, plus the secondary buds. The "top" can also be cloned, and can be quite vigorous. Don't worry if you leave a little stem above the node. Don't forget to "harden off" the seedlings before transplanting. Expose them a bit more each day, until they can be set out all day, without much stress. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
if there's a leaf, there's always hope....theses little plants are very hearty to abuses
plus i've seen harvested plants look far worse before they were re-vegged with a vengeance

i'd keep em....


Active Member
That really sucks... They looked very strong and healthy... I pinched the middle off but it looked all hard so I then cut that off... I attempted to top them because of security.. Thank you for the info for the future. So I shouldnt expect two more sets coming up then top those then have 8 hefty colas ?


Well-Known Member
u got nothen to loose plant them ....yea u fucked up but who knows u may come home to a bush....


Active Member
THanx for the other reply.. I have a bunch of grows on my belt but this was my first outdoor.. and second time topping. First time I had pictures next to me while i was snipping.. Ive learned everything I know from guides... shout out to "stitches sick guide"" google it... But Im a compete nube topper..I usuallly use ocean forest for inside grows so figured they all love it so much that I would dig a big whole and throw a bag of ocean forest outside... Weather is perfect right now too for planting outside..The reason I bought easy sativa is because after researching I felt it was a strain that I could just let grow and water maybe 2 or 3 times the season when it desperately needed it.. Sorry for talking the ear off. Its been a while since I been on here and dont talk to my friends about any of this as the golden rule..


Active Member
Bulla from nyc, U see the weather coming up.. U know what Im talkin about with perfect for planting your little plants outside now with all this rain comin

Chubby soap thanx for the positivity.. Revegging on its own outside? these have been outside


Well-Known Member
Bulla from nyc, U see the weather coming up.. U know what Im talkin about with perfect for planting your little plants outside now with all this rain comin

Chubby soap thanx for the positivity.. Revegging on its own outside? these have been outside
been raining for a fucking week straight it sucks lol


Well-Known Member
I don't think you fucked up at all. I have a lot of experience with bonsai training cannabis, I know what these girls can handle.

Like ChubbySoap said, "if there's a leaf, there's always hope."

I would only add, if there's a healthy node with a healthy leaf attached, there's always hope.

As long as you don't stress 'em any further until after they recover, your girls will be just fine. ;-)

They do look a little light starved though.


Active Member
VH13 u were right. I put them in 7-8 inches from each other in a 2 x 2 square foot hole with ocean forest mostly and the soil already there and they are doing fine. I know I shouldnt of put them side by side but my spot is one of those ""Im walking buy a giant plant but dont know it"" and had to be quick.. Anyway I havent touched them since I put them in and all i do is a walk by every couple weeks and One is a monster and the other is small. I guess thats what happens when u put two plants next too each other. Id like to not do anything to them and just go and cut them september 15th.. They look super healthy now with the perfect amount of rain and sun we are getting..will nutrients make my harvest that much bigger.. The spot doesnt get much sun I cant believe how big one is getting. I will have pictures of the plant only when its cut in september so I dont expect a lot of replys.. But will b nice to see what they once were to a 4 and lookin like 6 foot topped plants..


Active Member
I think the train conductor took my plants. I went there today and they were gone.. I will be going in the deep woods next time... Easy sativa looked awsome with no help from me at all. Even though I didnt see a final product I could tell its a great strain. next time i think i will do outdoor grapefruit though