molasses and FF nutes

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Active Member
you are so close to getting positive rep from me. :lol: I like the part wwhere you did the search for 'em. :razz:
someone who is here to help as opposed to some "full of himself little boy" that is here to make himself feel important /or cool (oh please be my friend mr. Cool marijuana grower guy).better keep that girlfriend of yours cause i think she will be the only water buffalo you can manipulate into being with you. Bahahahahahah


New Member
I'm helping the guy out via PM. :peace:
Hell yeah bro! K+ Since you want to be a dick about it, I'm going to send all the noobs your way. :lol:

someone who is here to help as opposed to some "full of himself little boy" that is here to make himself feel important /or cool (oh please be my friend mr. Cool marijuana grower guy).better keep that girlfriend of yours cause i think she will be the only water buffalo you can manipulate into being with you. Bahahahahahah
I want you to help youself but when I suggest you search, you come back at me with things like this.....
those all together directions are not on the back of the bottles ....................................................
You want me to believe that whatever nutrients you're using don't have instructions on the label.

When you post things like that it lets me know that i can't help you.
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