mother plant...


yo guys was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction for stuff about mother plants? if there is any or anywhere on the web i can find info. mainly just curious of weather or not im going to have popcorn all over or big fat buds? haha



Well-Known Member
You don't flower mother plants. You keep them in veg to take clones. A mother is not a type of plant, it is a female of any strain you want it to be.
You just don't let it flower, so the type of plant and bud formation depends on the strain of weed.


Active Member
After you take all the clones you need it depends what kind of shape the plant is in. If you treat it right and keep it healthy, just like any other plant in veg, when you're done taking clones you can still flower it and get a decent harvest. I just can't see shit canning a viable plant. And if you are treating it right it's gonna eventually take up too much space in the grow room if you try to keep it forever... I just flowered 3 mothers I kept alive over the winter (took 35 clones Dec 1st). 2 were mostly popcorn. Gonna make some nice hash. The third had a lot of really nice buds. Probably about 4 - 6 ounces. It's drying as we speak.