Mr. Harpua's 400w Medical Grow / Purps & Orange Crush


Active Member
Here we are at exactly 6 weeks. I fed for the last time today and will start flushing in about 3 days.

Spider mites are still chilling...on one plant only though. Im about to treat it again to see if I can finally wipe them out completely.

The buds are nice and dense and have lots of crystals with a really sweet smell. Im defintely starting to get excited!

Im a little clueless about flushing. I know the purpose of it, but do I water every couple of days? With a certain amount of water each time? Just want to make sure I have a clear understanding of how to get to the finish line since im so close. I definitely want a clean burning bud that tastes delicious!

Check out the pics and please send any comments or suggestions my way.


