music an growng

Astral Zoom

Active Member
I like the idea of classical music, it totally does something imo. I also put crystals around the grow room for their energy effects!!

I know it sounds pretty crazy but I believe it to be very helpful.

An experiment that may open your eyes to musics effect on your plants is one done by Dr. Masaru Emoto.

He basically said "I love you" to a water molecule right as I froze and compared it to one that he said "i hate you"

The results are amazing, I love you=very symmetrical organized and beautiful structure while hate caused messy chaos.


Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
It's the feeling behind the words which effects it. As 'I love you' is variable as most people say, 'I love you' carelessly to anyone or anything they show emotional affection to. When I'm sure they love their loved one more, we've deteriorated the word, love.

So of course it's going to have a positive effect being positive and having positive music around. As all good music is, is frequencies in harmony, we enjoy harmony. Just as music effects our mood so does it effect the plants 'mood'.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I like the idea of classical music, it totally does something imo. I also put crystals around the grow room for their energy effects!!

I know it sounds pretty crazy but I believe it to be very helpful.

An experiment that may open your eyes to musics effect on your plants is one done by Dr. Masaru Emoto.

He basically said "I love you" to a water molecule right as I froze and compared it to one that he said "i hate you"

The results are amazing, I love you=very symmetrical organized and beautiful structure while hate caused messy chaos.
Dr. Masuru Emoto. love reading his literature. he knows what's up

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
It's the feeling behind the words which effects it. As 'I love you' is variable as most people say, 'I love you' carelessly to anyone or anything they show emotional affection to. When I'm sure they love their loved one more, we've deteriorated the word, love.

So of course it's going to have a positive effect being positive and having positive music around. As all good music is, is frequencies in harmony, we enjoy harmony. Just as music effects our mood so does it effect the plants 'mood'.
it's more so the vibrational patterns and frequencys that make the magic


Active Member
my seedlings are currently by the window in my recording studio, so they have to put up with MY music lol! given the effects of music, vibration, and focused thought on human beings i would not at all be surprised if it had an effect on MJ our any other plant...its not only the plant that could"feel" the vibrations, the roots and your chosen medium can too. classical would probably work best