My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones


HOOOOOOly shit help me.

My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones

My young ladies are now 13 days old, have sprouted and the majority of them are working on their second set of bladed leafs.

They are all in Rock wool starter cubes - Feed at no less than every 12 hrs. with straight ph'd 5.8 RO water

My samples Within the rockwool, before watering again, have read 6.4 even though I first soaked in 5.5 for 12 -13 hrs.


This is my question?

I am thinking about starting to add nutes at 1/4 streangth to help with the yellowing cotyledon leaves "

Or is the PH not in the right zone and thats what is causing the yellowing cotyledon leaves???

How do I fix this?

Using CFL 125 right now at 18/6 with 50 percent humidity

THanks for your time and sharing of knowledge


New Member
Cotyledons are more or less like a lizard or snakes yolk sac , this is simply a set amount of energy to feed initial plant growth until it develops its own roots and feeds for itself .. No worries as long as its not progressing up the plant , then you have a Nitrogen deficiency at hand ..


THNAKs for the replay man!!!

I am seriously contemplating to start adding nutes, I was planning on waiting until the second set fully develops. But I believe they could have already used up their stored seed energy.......

Say 1/4 strength.......

I also have some nice simple root development in my starter cube, Do you believe I should go ahead and transfer them to the 3x3????

Thanks again man!:weed:

Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
Yes,, Transfer and start a very light feeding of less than 1/4 strength just to make sure it can handle it, then ramp it up from there. Always best to start low and work your way up.