My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones



  • HOOOOOOly shit help me.

    My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones

    My young ladies are now 13 days old, have sprouted and the majority of them are working on their second set of bladed leafs.

    They are all in Rock wool starter cubes - Feed at no less than every 12 hrs. with straight ph'd 5.8 RO water

    My samples Within the rockwool, before watering again, have read 6.4 even though I first soaked in 5.5 for 12 -13 hrs.


    This is my question?

    I am thinking about starting to add nutes at 1/4 streangth to help with the yellowing cotyledon leaves "

    Or is the PH not in the right zone and thats what is causing the yellowing cotyledon leaves???

    How do I fix this?

    Using CFL 125 right now at 18/6 with 50 percent humidity

    THanks for your time and sharing of knowledge

    SIDE QUESTION ========== have nice little root growth at bottom of starter cubes, do you think I should go ahead and move to 3x3 cube

    THANKSSSS for sharing your time and knowledge!!!!!​



Well-Known Member
I've never used rock wool.

What nutes are you using? I'd go ahead with the quarter strength.

I'd wait for an answer on ph for rockwool though.


Well-Known Member
Normal. they all do that, just keep doing your thing. I'd also start @ 1/4 nutes. But dont worry about the baby leaves.


Well-Known Member
If your cotelydons are turning yellow then your plants need food.
What kind of system are you running. Are you just handwatering Rockwool?
Definitely move to larger cubes.
You need to adjust your feeds so that the ph inside the rockwool is 5.5-5.8.
When you feed, or water make sure you water until you get a good amount of runoff.
Rockwool will raise ph so make sure you are watering enough to keep the ph down.


Active Member
K I'm really high but ill try and answer. And it would be easier if u had photos cuz there are some different kinds of yellowing problems I can tell u by looking at a pic. And i'd wait another day or two till u repot ur ones that sprouted through the bottum lol


I've never used rock wool.

What nutes are you using? I'd go ahead with the quarter strength.

I'd wait for an answer on ph for rockwool though.
I will be using the Full Canna Substra Line for drain to waste. In rockwool slabs. YEAAA baaaaabbbbbby I chose it mainly because of it simplicity, and apparent dankness.


Taviddude - You are correct I am currently hand watering, However, after doing more research I believe it is time to go 1/4 streangth. I am about to mix up my nutes, as my 3x3's are currently soaking in ph 5.0-5.5......

Going to soak that shit for about 12 hrs. Hopefully I will not have any ph swings. As that is the only thing I am truley concerend about.

I will be doing a drip to waste in rockwool slabs with a 1 K .

Perpetual every three weeks.

Thanks for stoping by to give your advice and help. I will keep everybody posted to see if these measures will prevent the yellow from traveling to the other leaves.

Time to feeed em.



Well-Known Member
They are the seed leaves. They are supposed to yellow and die. They are only there to support the plant until its real leaves appear.
If you get them to survive until harvest, you will probably be the first.


SI senior, I am sure they will wither and die some time in the future.


However, ALSO........if I am not mistaken , the baby leaves yellowing is a damn good sign that they plants are running out of their stored energy from the original seed, correct??

Thanks for stopping by gentlemen.


Well-Known Member
they yellow because the plant has no reason to keep them. they are too small to do any real photosynthesis that would benefit the plant. they just become liabilities in a sense. so the plant stops putting nutrients to them and puts more energy into new growth.


they yellow because the plant has no reason to keep them. they are too small to do any real photosynthesis that would benefit the plant. they just become liabilities in a sense. so the plant stops putting nutrients to them and puts more energy into new growth.

So you believe the sprouts still have enough stored energy to suffice for a period of time?? Say a week?

I was under the impression that "Baby Leaves" yellowing is in indication that the stored energy is running low, " to coincide with your point, yes the baby leaves are the first to go, more energy can be photosynthiszed through the true bladed leaves.

And that time is now, as the stored energy is running low, the plant realizes this, and start deverting energy from the lower "baby leaves" to the new "bladed leaves"

Thanks again, I just want to make sure that this is the right time to add the nutes.



Well-Known Member
honestly i wouldn't use nutes at all for about a month. because at that point it's really easy to nute burn them. it won't make a big difference at all. on my outdoor grow, i didn' use nutes for a few months. (4ish) and i didn't have a problem, but i was outdoors.


Active Member
Bro you will really be able to tell when they need nutes your just gonna burn them with that attitude. Patience man! Give your plants a few more days before feeding. I personally said screw using 1/4 strength, I just waited a little longer till the leaves were obviously N deficient then started using 1/2strength nutes when needed, its been working out awesome for me so far


Bro you will really be able to tell when they need nutes your just gonna burn them with that attitude. Patience man! Give your plants a few more days before feeding. I personally said screw using 1/4 strength, I just waited a little longer till the leaves were obviously N deficient then started using 1/2strength nutes when needed, its been working out awesome for me so far

mannnnnnnnn you are probably right Pirx.

I am seriously contemplating a few more day before feeding, however, I do not want to even get to the point where they are showing any signs of diff's.

I believe I am going to starting PPM of 125. with Canna Substra A&B Using the Hanna scale

I know they have enough root mass to use the nutes, I just don't know if they have enough leaf structure to process it.


I am on week two since germination, and nice roots appering on bottom of starters. Plants now working on second set of Bladed leafs.

Will be transplanting to 3x3's tonight, regardless of feeding.

Thanks for stoping by and sharing your time and knowledge.


Well-Known Member
mannnnnnnnn you are probably right Pirx.

I am seriously contemplating a few more day before feeding, however, I do not want to even get to the point where they are showing any signs of diff's.
Exactly, when the seed leaves go yellow it means the plant is pulling nutrients from them in search for food. Start your feed. Perfect time.
Someone said a MONTH?! My plants are 28-32 inches within a month. there is NO WAY they'll make it a month. Fuck That.

I believe I am going to starting PPM of 125. with Canna Substra A&B Using the Hanna scale
Perfect, but 150 - 175 would probably be better.

I know they have enough root mass to use the nutes, I just don't know if they have enough leaf structure to process it.
That's a SMALL amount of nutes. Perfect for the size of the plant, and it's root mass.
I think it's kinda on the low end, and your plants will respond better to 150-175.

I am on week two since germination, and nice roots appering on bottom of starters. Plants now working on second set of Bladed leafs.

Will be transplanting to 3x3's tonight, regardless of feeding.
Good Plan. Perfect timing.

Thanks for stoping by and sharing your time and knowledge.

No problem Man, It sounds like you've been doing your homework. Go with your gut, it's been right so far. Be careful who you take advice from. Like not feeding for a month. Sounds like a soil grower. He may not have taken the time to read your thread and understand you are growing in inert media before he gave you that advice. He might just believe that. Others will just throw shit out there that's WAY off. Watch out for shit like that. Do your own reading, and study the grows of good hydro growers.
You're doing good man, keep it up, and start feeding.


Well-Known Member
And you know I just have to throw it out there Bro. You could build a little Ebb and Flow table which will automate all your feeds, and your nutrients will be reused instead of just totally wasted. Nutes can get costly, and there is no reason to just literally pour them down the drain.
You'll get good results either way, but Ebb and Flow is SUPER easy to set up, and it runs itself.
If you decide to look into it just hit me up. I've been killing it with DIY Ebb and Flow setups so far.
Check my sig.


Well-Known Member
Bro you will really be able to tell when they need nutes your just gonna burn them with that attitude.
Like when the cotelydons begin to die? It's literally the perfect time to start nutrients. He's got the perfect attitude.

Patience man! Give your plants a few more days before feeding.
Why? They have already showed that they have exhausted their nutrient resources. They are ready for feed.

I personally said screw using 1/4 strength, I just waited a little longer till the leaves were obviously N deficient
Bad Method

its been working out awesome for me so far
That's great it's been working for you, but why would you EVER let your plant get N deficient? You're lagging behind the plants needs. Not a good method.
Not jumping on ya Bro, just trying to give this guy some good advice. If your system is working for you, then don't fix what isn't broken if you wish. This guy has his stuff going pretty good. Sounds like he's done his research.


Well-Known Member

No problem Man, It sounds like you've been doing your homework. Go with your gut, it's been right so far. Be careful who you take advice from. Like not feeding for a month. Sounds like a soil grower. He may not have taken the time to read your thread and understand you are growing in inert media before he gave you that advice. He might just believe that. Others will just throw shit out there that's WAY off. Watch out for shit like that. Do your own reading, and study the grows of good hydro growers.
You're doing good man, keep it up, and start feeding.
lol if you're going to accuse me of not reading his post. read my post. not just the first line. idiot. i said i was outdoors(so obviously soil) and i just didn't take his soil into consideration when reading his post. my bad. but before you start accusing people of shit, make sure you don't do it.