My Exhaust is Now My Intake?

well for the first few grows I was using 2 computer fans as exhaust which was mounted on the opposite side of the door of the cab. Me being stupid, it was mounted not at the very top but more to the middle. I just bought a inline fan and mounted it so it will pull air through the upper back left corner of the box. The question I have is, Is it ok to change to computer fans into intake fans? I normally keep the doors semi open so it would normally pull the air from the front. I'm wondering if I turn the computer fans into intake fans, would it make some kind of strange airflow thereby harming the plants. My reason for thinking this is because both the exhaust and computers fans are mount to the back side of the box and not opposite side of each other.


Well-Known Member
If the air that gets sucked in is warm, yeah, it could be bad for your plants, depending on your ambient temps and stuff.

A short bit of solid surface to redirect exhaust flow up and out is all you need.