My First Aero Grow

Wasup everybody... This is my first Aeroponic grow and I've decided to start this journal to show how it works. Keep checking back, I'll be posting frequently.bongsmilie

My system is fully aeroponic, its not a hybrid aero/hydro, the roots never reach the res so they will never be sitting in water.

I have a 2 x 2 box with 4 plants growing. I started out with a 150 watt HPS light and yesterday i added an additional 4 100 watt CFL's so that the bottoms of my plants get just as much light as the tops. I have a 2000 gph pump that runs for 1 hour on and 30 minutes off. I also have a fan blowing on them 24/7.

I planted the seeds on 3/5/10 and they are doing great. I didn't decide to post this journal until today so I only have current pictures, I'll post them when I get home from work.

On 3/31/10 I changed the lights to 12/12 so i only got a little less than a month of veg time. I could have let it veg for longer but i got impatient lol. plus this is my first grow so im just trying to make sure im doing everything right - it's pretty much a test run... its still gonna be some fire though:fire:lol. im pretty experienced with growing but ive never grown aero before, but personally, so far I find it allot easier and faster to grow aero than in soil.

But thats enough for now... like i said i will post pics when i get off work... check back around 6:00
Here's the pics. you might notice that one of the plants is allot smaller than the other ones. When I planted them only 3 sprouted... the fourth one was bad and just got moldy so I had to replant it. Today the plants were looking kind of soggy so I changed the pump's timer to 1 hour on & 1 Hour off, so we'll see what happens. I also added some bud booster to the res so that should help them bloom good... hopefully they're all ladies... I'll find out in a couple days. Keep checking back :bigjoint:


Last night after I switched the pump to 1 hour on & 1 hour off one of the plants grew a new set of leaves within a couple hours! Do you guys think it's because of the pumps change in time or not? I don't really have the pumps time down yet but i'll figure it out soon. I can't afford one that can switch after a couple minutes so I have to set it to turn on & off in 30 minute intervals on a regular timer.

I'll post a pic of the plant later when I get home.
I also just built a grow box especially for vegetation. In a couple days when I get paid Im going to make the trip to go get some new net pots for the other box... that way I can get some new ones started right away.

This other box is gonna be great because it's gonna cut my yield time in half. While the first set of plants is flowering, the other set of plants will be vegetating. Then when the flower box is ready to be harvested, the veg box will be ready to flower, then I will start another set of plants in the veg box. Now I dont have to wait for the plants to veg and flower, I just have to wait for them to flower between harvests because like I said as soon as I harvest one set, another set will be ready to go into flowering.

I wonder how good this box is gonna work though because I'm using all CFL's instead of HPS. It should be fine though because I've read allot of people's journals where they grow with CFL's only and their plants turn out fine. What do you guys think about this? Give me some feed back.

I'll post some pics of it later
Like I said earlier ever since i changed the pumps timer the plants grew allot. look at picture 1 here compared to picture 9 on my last post, it has 2 new sets of leaves since yesterday. You can even see that the little plant has gotten noticeably bigger also. They should be budding in a couple days here, im already seeing pre-flowers but its too early to tell the sex. Keep checking back. :blsmoke:


I found my first male today. You can see the seed sacks in the pictures. I'm pretty sure that the rest of them are females though... we'll see

Instead of throwing the male away i tried making hash with it just for the fuck of it. I figure it's worth a try instead of throwing it away. it's probably not gonna be any good tho because its a young male. it'll b ready tomorrow


Heres some pics of the other box i was talking about. I just planted the seeds in it tonight. It's also an aeroponic setup but the way the roots get sprayed is set up differently in this box.

Today I changed my pumps timers to 1 hour 30 minutes on & 30 minutes off. My plants kept drooping and I started to think that maybe it wasn't from too much water but from not enough. Also allot of other aeroponic systems run the pump 24 hours so i figure more time with the water is better.

If anybody has any opinion on the pump i would appreciate any advice you can give me.


Wasup everybody... Here's the most recent pics. I had to tie down a plant & trim some leaves but i was drunk when I did it so i ended up breakin the top off of the plant that I was tryin to tie down :cuss:... lesson learned - DONT TRY TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR PLANTS WHILE DRUNK... I learned the hard way lol but fuck it this is just a test run newayz. I got pics of the plants before i did anything, after i tied it down, & after the top broke off of the one plant.


wasup everybody heres the plants in the veg box. its been 1 week since the first one sprouted. only 3 sprouted so i gotta plant some more... thats weird though because all of them germinated. oh well... ill post pics of the ones in the flower box tomorrow


:blsmoke: wasup... heres the pics of the flowering plants. They have been flowering for 22 days now. The one in the back got really tall in the past couple days so i just raised the light all the way to the top. damn i wish i didnt break the top off that other plant or it would be lookin very nice right now.


Well-Known Member
you could throw some extra CFL's in there if you wanted, just to add more light, they did stretch a lil, how they look now?
i had some cfl's in there but they were burning the sides of the plants... i might put them back in there and just keep them on top of the plants. they're looking nice now, they're starting to bud pretty nice. I just wish i didnt break the top off the one or i would have a nice little bud on it. my tallest one now is hitting the light so ive been tying it down. I'll post some pics later
Wasup everybody... I know its been a couple days since my last update. ive been busy. but here are the pictures of the flower box. the buds are starting to develop nicely. one of my plants is growing into the light so ive been tying it down, the way its growin i'm gonna have to wrap it around the box lol, thats how i got it tied down right now.

