My First Grow Journal


Active Member

-250w Envirolite with red and full spectrum with reflector
-60x60x140 tent
-1 bathroom extractor fan running on ac - exhaust
-1 large heavy PC fan - intake
-1 small ultra quiet PC fan running on dc - intake
-1 non-oscillating (ffs) 5inch fan
-picked up some mj specific nutes when flowering begins - 4 bottles and 2 sachets and a schedule wheel for each of the 8 weeks of flowering - i cant remember the name of this stuff right now
-2 gallon pots housing 2 white rhino spouts
-2 other gallon pots waiting to house lowlife autoflowers - both germinated, one is above the surface with first leaves and the other is still hiding
- Biobizz ready mix (i think) with perlite
- i have a grotek six pack which includes
heavy bloom/bud
monster bloom
solo tek bloom
blossom blaster
bloom/bud fuel

the white rhinos were potted on Independence Day - ill try to update this op with pics tomorrow

my humidity stays between 45-55% :confused:

when i last checked my temperatures were between 28-30C which i am trying to get down - i was running the extractor on 15 mins on/off schedule but i am going to leave it running for tonight and check again in the morning if it went down :neutral:


Well-Known Member
never seen a white rhino grow before, im in, good luck on the first grow, swing by my journal if you can and check it out. I also grow with cfls. The link to my journal is in my sig


Active Member
ok i have updated the op with what i got today - 1 fan, 1 bigger PC fan

the temps are continuing to rise averaging about 29-33 even with all this equipment

the tent is a utility room with very little exhaust though

anyone got any good photobucket sites where i can host pics? i dont wanna use my photobucket because even though it was on private, other sensitive pictures where removed


Active Member
follow up question - despite trying 3 or 4 stores with lighting - i can not find cool light cfls for love nor money - any suggestions?


Active Member
ok i think i have sorted out the cooling, it staying around 27-29 with the light on and drops to nearly 20 with it off

ive got the option of adding in another 4 small CFLs (small compared to the 250w light i already have), i would just prefer to have some cool lights before i do that

ive got a question about nutes - i have a grotek six pack which includes

heavy bloom/bud
monster bloom
solo tek bloom
blossom blaster
bloom/bud fuel

they have included a little wheel chart to tell you which of the 8 weeks of flowering which nute to use and how much of it

my question is - this is only for flowering it seems, should i not be giving them nutes sooner?

also for autoflowers is this different?


Active Member
yer get some n-p-k an start usin around 3 weeks in :) in your first pic is that a strawberry plant?? good luck with your grow

peace :bigjoint:


Active Member
theres only one shop i know of around here that sells specialist stuff like that - i would have to check if they had it in stock

2 of my lowlifes arent doing much

ones seed is just poping above the soil

the other had its first two baby leaves open yesterday and hasnt done anything else ::(


Well-Known Member
yea the first part of the plants life they grow real slow. but once they hit that growth spurt, they never stop growing.


Active Member
ive taken them back out of the tent and on to the window sill again to see if that makes a difference


Well-Known Member
id keep them in the tent, give them time they will grow. If u plan to keep them on the sill for a bit, make sure they dont stretch to bad.


Active Member
its just the other 2 were left on the sill for a day or two (and yeah they stretched a little) but at least they came out of their seeds


Active Member
well today i notice one of the autos seeds had risen a good bit with a little tail of green on the bottom

the other auto is looking poor, 2 baby leafs havent even left the surface yet and they look a bit blueish

the rhinos are doing good, i can see growth on them everyday

norma do you know where to get some cool white cfls? i was thinking about adding 4 of them for under lighting but i cant find any cool whites in the 3 or 4 local stores i have checked


Well-Known Member
I go to home depot to get all my bulbs. Of the blue light i can only find little 27 and under watt bulbs. For the yellow light i found 68watts and under. In the contractor section in home depot next to all the mh and hps bulbs there is a big 68watt yellow cfl. I think the only way to get big blue bulbs is to get them off line. Hope this helps.