My First Grow Journal


Active Member
i ordered some 30w daylights off a decent website - if anyone wants the address pm me

the 2 autos were in a bad shape for a week, so i threw them out and i germed 2 more autos

they are sitting in peat pots now on the sill and both have broken ground and nearly free of their seeds after one day

I havent used any veggin nutes yet - the guy at the store reckons the soil will do the job fine

ive got a grotek pack of 6 for flowering - solo tek, vita max, bud fuel, heavy bud, monster bloom and blossom blaster

anything else i am forgetting to mention?


Active Member
ohh yeah i knew there was something, i have been only misting them so far, just around the base of the stem

today i started to water them just using a little by little approach

i might leave them alone tomorrow and see what the reaction is to this increase in water in the soil


Active Member

so this is them 16 days from planting - should i be worried about their leaves curling inwards like that?


Active Member
ok so my 4 new 30w daylights arrived, im only using two of them at the moment and 1 i have hung directly over the autos spouts which are still looking a bit shit


Active Member
getting very bushy now but not really stretching which i dont know if its a good thing if the nodes are so tightly packed?



Active Member
getting very bushy now but not really stretching which i dont know if its a good thing if the nodes are so tightly packed?

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i dont think i have even an inch between my nodes, more like a 1/2 inch, but if you want them to strech a lil bit raise you lights up a little bit, ive seen plants that were that dense and they grew just fine, they looked like one bud growing out the soil at finish. The plant will strech a little bit during flowering, correct me if im wrong. but they do look good sorry to hear about your autos not doin so well.


Active Member
Week 4 of Veg


Much more bushier but not really growing up :( maybe about an inch in total upwards this week

they got their first and second ever doses of nutes this week - biogrow - for the first time i used it i went for half strength 1ml/500mls and then two days later when the soil was dry again, i decided to kick things up a notch with 5ml/500ml. BAM!

No ill effects that i could see, i might have spilt a little of the solution on one of the fan leaves and stained it a little but no yellow tips or any other problems

i was watering every second day becayse i noticed that the soil was dry the day after watering - should I give them 1 more day between waterings now?

and is water/nutes/water/nutes the best plan for feeding? the last two times i just feed them the nutes described above, no clean water

am i just getting a little impatient?


Well-Known Member
id keep them in the tent, give them time they will grow. If u plan to keep them on the sill for a bit, make sure they dont stretch to bad.
Good advice. Also the autos you want to give as much light as possible. In the tent when the lights are and on the sill any other time you can get them some decent light there.


Active Member
Good advice. Also the autos you want to give as much light as possible. In the tent when the lights are and on the sill any other time you can get them some decent light there.
only 1 of them has survived since then and what i have learned is to never ever again use peatpots after germination

the one survivor was originally in a pot from the start and its fighting back but looks a bit pathetic compared to the rhinos who are up on 7inches now


Active Member
10inches today and my goal was that i go for 13inches of veg so if they do triple in size (hopefully) there would be still plenty of room up going up

however i am bored of nearly 6 weeks of vegging and want to change to 12/12 this weekend


Active Member
10inches today and my goal was that i go for 13inches of veg so if they do triple in size (hopefully) there would be still plenty of room up going up

however i am bored of nearly 6 weeks of vegging and want to change to 12/12 this weekend
patience is a vurtue that few are blessed with and i know i am definatley not one of them. so i feel ya on the getting bored and antsy. six weeks does sound good for swithing them over too me.


Active Member
hey man, good grow so far! im excited about all the pics your bringin. id just like to nit pick- constructively of course. we all have the same goal! im goin thru threads cause im curious about CFL grows. im tryin t stay away from HPS/MH as long as possible, and im gettin great results. the only thing i wanted to to really mention/heads up on, is that to make sure you read your nutes fine print... a lot of them sold in stores like wal-mart and home depot write those directions for the use of up to 1000 watt bulbs! so even half strength nutes on the majority of CFL grows are sometimes overkill. just an FYI. and lastly, just a question... are you fimming and/or topping? are you familiar with these? you got the room and time, im sure youll enojy the higher yeilds these techniques bring. they're even better for CFL growing, it is the bigger advantage that cfl's have is having the ability to spread the light.