My first grow! LA Confidential DWC

Alright everybody This is my very first grow (and post).

My buddy brought me a LA Confidential clone on sunday. My grow cab wasn't quite done at that point so I put her under cfls 24hrs a day in a red Dixie cup with rockwool and watered her with water that had been left out for a few days. I have read that leaving tap water out for a while allows most of the minerals to evaporate out and that it is better to water plants with.

Here's how she started.

The Dixie cup has holes in the bottom for drainage. you can see the second cup (green) that it drained into.

There she stayed until this afternoon. After a trip to the hydro store (and a blown up differential in my car) I had everything I needed to move her to a better environment.

This is where she lives now.

My cab is basically based on this The only real difference is that I have a shelf instead of a light chamber. I've got a 96Cfm computer fan venting out the back corner. I wired it up to be variable speed thinking it would be a cool touch. Now I realize there really wont ever be a time that I don't want it running at 100% Oh well:eyesmoke:

Anyways she is on a basic 5 gallon bucket DWC system. There are two airstones coming from the blue airpump in the corner. I have a watering ring around the edge of the net pot that will eventually be put on a timer.

I will be using Floragrow floramicro and florabloom from GH just because that's what there was at the hydro store. The guy called it cool-aid :)

My bucket has 3 gallons of DI water and I put in enough nutes for 2 gallons. I didn't know if I should give her the full reccomended dose yet since she is new to nutes. I'v also read that a lot of people give fractions of the dosages on the bottles. What do you guys think? should I toss in the extra gallons worth? Oh and the res it at 5.5-6.0 PH. I don't have an electric tester. Just the color comparison kind so that's about as accurate of a reading as I can get.

She seems to be a little bit droopy compared to when I got her. What do you think the problem is/ is there a problem?
Here's some pics. Compare em to the one from the dixie cup and you'll see what I mean.

here's one with just camera flash to show her colors. Colorwise she looks great. she's just droopy.

I've heard droopy=overwatering. how often do you guys water with rockwool. This stuff seems like it's gonna be a pain in the ass compared to expanded clay/hydrocorn

I guess that's it for now. I'll keep this updated regularly.

No love I guess, but I'll keep posting.

So I figured out my watering problem. I was way overwatering. I've switched to a drip system now that runs for 15 minutes every 3 hours. That seems to work perfectly.

Now I have a new problem. The edges of my newer leaves are yellow and curling up. Check out the pic comparison.

This is from yesterday

And this is today

Anybody know what the problem is? I've done some searching and think it might be a zinc defficiency. I wanted to get some expert input before I take any actions though.

some details as of today:
PH:a little under 6.0

Nutrients: Floragrow, Floramicro, and Florabloom all at full reccomended doses.
Light: 150w Sunsystems HPS on 24hrs a day about 14 inches from the top of the plant

Anybody know what's up with my baby?
I also posted in the "Marijuana Plant Problems" forum and there was a consensus that the problem was nute burn. I emptied my res and replaced it with 3 gallons of PH:6 adjusted tap water. I put in one gallon worth of nutes. hopefully she'll be looking better in a day or so.

If anybody has any suggestions/criticism/questions or whatever, feel free to post!!



Active Member
I also posted in the "Marijuana Plant Problems" forum and there was a consensus that the problem was nute burn. I emptied my res and replaced it with 3 gallons of PH:6 adjusted tap water. I put in one gallon worth of nutes. hopefully she'll be looking better in a day or so.

If anybody has any suggestions/criticism/questions or whatever, feel free to post!!

looking good...does anybody know what the correct PH for LA Confidential grown in a hydo setup?