my first grow tell me what u think!!


i started growing in april when i got my medical card, but i always wanted to grow my own ever since!! so i decided to grow with cfl lighting and be as cheap as possible so all in all i built two box's 1 for the mother and 1 for the flowering , i am using 2x 300 watt 2700k cfls for flowering (going to add 2 more here soon. for the mother i used 4 x100watt 5000k and 2x circular 22watt 5000k cfl and florecent . for my rooter system i use 2x 75watt 2700k cfl's well nuff talk here are some pics
the clones are fresh yesterday i hope that is normal for them too droop
the 2 clones in the flower box where taken 2 weeks ago they drooped also
i was very frugal with the build for this is my first rough set up i do have a better setup on the drawing board that will be 100 times better with lots more lights i mean alot!!!

besides the more intense the light the better the smoke!!! plain and simple!
forgot to say that i am growing White Widow!! and the lil red solo cup nxt to the mother is a big bud startling witch sprouted in 5 days using clonex rooting compound and dirt and water that is the fastest i have ever heard of and the grow manager at the local grow store was also intregued by my findings

so was looking thru other threads and i realize that i forgot specs and nutes

i am using B.C. recipe for success starter kit followed all directions the only question that i cant find a answer to is Does the mixture of nutes and water have a shelf life?

temps in rooms are stable around 79 F degree's a lil dry but i put a pitcher of water in with it ...that should do it i hope

my clones in the propagator have developed small brown spots on them.. hopefully its just the iron content in my tap water ....i do filter it but it is REALLY IRONY (thinking about buying some purified fromt he store) if anyone has any opinions plz leave them i am up for criticing plz



Well-Known Member
well looks good. you no how to garden. thank god for someone who knows how to sit back and wait. thanks for that BTW


Well-Known Member
I put baggies over clones new to a veg room and move them up(ripped sides) until the adjust.


thank u for the compliment.. but i tell u that ive been stalking my grow room making lil change's here and there ..even if it is to smoke with my ladies i swear u can watch them grow LOL:bigjoint:


ok 5 days from the last time i posted, OK flower box first , i would post pics but they are in night mode right now so maybe later BUT with the 2x 300 watt cfl's kept close (6inch's) and following the recipe for success water x2 then nutes usually i water in the morning and then before bed time. the 2x White Widow ladies are doing awesome short and plump!! dark green I Love It!!

To the mother plant White widow : pics to come . Now this lady is up past my hip using the 4x100watt cfl's are paying off. (and im 6'2") she is heathy and kinda bright light green the top growth is plumping up and bushing up , some of the lower sun leaf's where touching the 2 circle flouro's and burn'd them so i cut the ends off that where touching the side's and transplanted it into a 5gal bucket from home-depo with FF ocean mix i feed 2x water then some B.C. stage 2 recipe for success i have noticed a explosion of growth since the transplant

now the clones had problems the bubble cloner did not work as well as i thought it would do the babies got sick they where like a lime green with rust spots all over them so i post for hlp and got some i changed water and nute trimmed as need (cuz i slacked in the begining) and then when that didt work i busted out the Red Solo Cups filled them full of soil and redipped them in Clonex Rooting of now they are doing ALOT better then 2 days ago hopefully i got them before something drastic happened!! post pics prolly in the morning ty for reading plz leave comments and or tips as i am a new grower with lots to learn

the pics i promised DSC09474.jpgDSC09475.jpgDSC09477.jpgDSC09478.jpg


for the ppl on a budget this build and grow system has costed me about 75$ the key is to be resourcefull and focus on the main parts to spend your money on like lights, soil, nutes, the rest of it can be improvised and a work in progress ...ooh ya u can reuse soil also so your maintence cost wont be so great either!


here is a update on my Grow first some pics :weed:View attachment 2205721View attachment 2205722 this is my new cloning system i use 2 23w 5500k CFL's the middle plant in this pick is Ozone the close's i could find to northern lights in my area with out paying for it (hopefully its a female) i also use half a 20oz bottle of sparkling mineral water in the bottom of the bucket to create a Co2 enriched enviroment seams to be doing really well
View attachment 2205731View attachment 2205732View attachment 2205733 the 1st pic front left is my big bud plant all sex'd and going back into Veg mode to be a Mother plant i am pinning her down in a circle fashion to maximize space seeings i dont have the room to Flower my other Mother plant when time comes (shoulda thought of that) i dosed my White widow mother with some liquid N fetilizer from the local farmer to promote some real healthy clones atleast 1 more time before i try to flower her( i have already selected a nice clone to replace her) just over night with the N fert she got darker green and her growth was visable !
View attachment 2205734View attachment 2205736View attachment 2205737View attachment 2205738 flower box the 2 budding have been budding for 2 weeks now and they are looking delicious i just hope they get bigger! i just put 4 more clones in my box that have been rooting and vegging for 2 weeks . i am still using the recipe for success from B.C. buds

ty for reading my update PLZ comment Good or Bad tell me wut u think i am doing wrong or right PLZ PLZ PLZ !!


Well-Known Member
I can't see your pics but I'm glad things are working out. I wishthis site would quit timing out.:wall:


ok i know that i said that i was going to grow with all CFL's well i got a deal and got a 400w MH ballast and 2 bulbs did some research and found out that flowering with MH light actually could be better ...We will see!! i also built more space. well nuf said before i get timed out here are all the new pics DSC09729.jpgDSC09734.jpgDSC09735.jpgDSC09739.jpgDSC09742.jpgDSC09747.jpg new grow space's :)