My little babies!!


Well-Known Member
To get rid of any bacteria, fungus, mold, anything that might have been on the old crop. Oh HoLE, i like how you added that in your quote about me only reading people that praise me. If that were the truth this thread would only be about 3 pages long cause i wouldnt have been trying to defend myself the whole time. And why does it make you so mad that this is going so well for me. I would have thought you might have been happy or at least interested.

Edit: Oh, HoLE did you grow all of those with cfls? Those look awesome. Mine are doing pretty good as well. They had to get over the fact that i uprooted them from their home, but they are bouncing back. I hope mine turn out that good. How many cfl's is that? I only have 6 right now. 3 of the 2700k and 3 of the 6500k. Trying to mix up the spectrum. Is this good or should i have only one or the other?


Active Member
Dude noone is mad it is going well for you they are just trying to help...relax a bit take what people say with a grain of salt everyone has there own opinion as the best way but dont bash people every time. Also how many do you have left at this point?


Well-Known Member
Im not bashing anyone, im asking why im being bashed. And umm, i dont know. Theres like 30 something. There are 13 pots and at least 2 in each one, some have 3. Not sure of the exact number. I hope to only have 20 max when all is said and done. Maybe only around 15 or so with only 2 or 3 pots having more than one in them. Not sure, ill have to see how it goes. I might have to toss them all :(


Well-Known Member
here's what something from seed can look like at 14 days old from seed,,in 1 pot,,and second pic is what a plant in 1 pot looks like at 27 days old,,,,FROM seed:mrgreen:,,does anyone see a difference in the plants,,,tell me I'm wrong,,,defend yur ass off,,,,I don't care,,I'm fairly new at this,,and your ignorance to constructive criticism shows,,good luck on your grow

Keep on Growin




Well-Known Member
Oh humboldt its useless. We are not going to win over everyone. And HoLE you have done something very very wrong buddy. The two plants we cut at soil level then buried oh say about a week and a half ago are gone. Havent seen them since. They havent started sprouting or anything. Everything is good. Even if they keep coming back its not that hard to clip away the stem. You would only have to do that maybe once a week until harvest. I can handle clipping a few stems for what, 6 weeks or something? Ill survive. Also, when we find males and cut them out regardless of what you think the roots off of a male isnt going to cause the female to be hermie or produce seeds...once we cut them out the roots stop growing. Yes, if you just trim the plant down it will grow back. All you are doing is topping it real low. But if you cut it down very low, damage it in some way (squeeze it, twist it, anything!!!) then cover with dirt. Its dead, gone, NEVER coming back. I know, ive done it. Everything is fine. Just please do me a favor and stick around to the end. Thank you everyone. Im glad some people are finally starting to open their mind a little bit.

Edit: Nice plants vince420, fucking sparkly as hell. Great job dude!
squeeze it twist it anything,,in an earlier post,,you denied there would be any stress to these other plants,,no pulling or tugging,,just cut at ground level

Keep on Growing



Active Member
Fatal i think your doing a pretty damn job man keep up the work :)
Dont let other peoples opinions bring you down man..
I just start growin myself.. I made a thread called How Do They Look..
it's a picture of my babies 2 day's after seed.


Well-Known Member
LOL this thread is great! Hey Fshot, are you taking pics right after you water, or mabey right when the lights kick on....? It seems like most of your plants are looking wilted. I hope I don't piss you off, but since I read this thread and it's entirety, I figured I had to ask...GL


Well-Known Member
Let me start by saying ok you are right. Growing more than one per pot is the worst thing you can do. All im saying is, i got lucky and its working just fine. Absolutely fine. Now why that makes everyone so mad, i dont know but it does. Im sorry ive offended people. I wont post anything else about it. I guess ill just chuck it up as luck that its working for me and i wont do it again next time. Next time ill have good seeds and ill only do like 15 pots with one in each. These will eventually be one in each, but next time thats how ill start since i wont have 50 seeds to play with. Im just glad its gone so well for me. From hearing you guys talk, it usually turns out to be shit. Beginners luck maybe, dunno.

Yeah, some of the last pics i took were right after we watered and about an hour after the lights came on. Thats why the last few look a little wilted. Ill try to wait longer next time so you can see how they really look. Good job on those HoLE, thats how mine look like at only 23 days also with 3 in a pot. Tell me what you did to that first pic so i can try to avoid that. Is that overwater or over fert? I dotn want mine to look like that, so now i asking you specifically for help. How do i keep mine from looking like your first pic? I would have thought you would have posted some giants to prove your point. Not once that look no different than mine, oh well. I guess there are many different ways :P None are better than the last, cause if they were there would be only one type of soil, nutes, lights, pots, and all that. I guess we all have our own secrets and shit. All im asking is that you dont say im doing something wrong when im obviously not. I will agree with you, one per pot might be a little better but 2 or 3 per pot is doing wonderful. Only another week or two and ill get rid of some then they might really take off, cant wait!! Thanks for the advice everyone. Sorry ive been kinda dickish but it just upsets me that people are so quick to point out what they think is wrong just cause they have never tried it or have tried it with bad results. I bet the first guy that said "Hey, i bet i can grow that in nothing but water" i bet he got laughed at too. Oh well, we live and we learn and right now im learning that a few per pot is ok, 1 per pot maybe better. But at this rate, i dont know how much better it can get! Wish me luck everyone!

Oh HoLE, as for the tugging and shit. No, what i said was when you cut it, just kinda squeeze it a little bit or twist it a little. Stems arent made of steel dude. I think you can pinch one without distrubing others. I guess i should have made myself more clear. When you cut the ones below soil level, gently squeeze the one you cut so it doesnt grow back, then cover with soil. If i can find the pots we took them out of ill take a pic. But it will be hard cause they havent grew back and the pots they came from havent slowed in any way, but ill try to find them. Now i did make a mistake by actually taking a spade and digging 2 out. It didnt kill or even hinder the other ones, but it was a stupid thing to do and i would never have done it this far along. Worked for me, hope it works for you if you ever decide to try it :) I hope the best for everyone actually, i think its great everyone is growing their own and cutting out the middle man. Fuck the middle man!!! HAHAHA And HoLE, you didnt answer my question. What kinda cfl's are best to use? The 2 i took out of a bucket are growing under cfl's now but i want to them to do as good as the other ones. I know its not possible with just cfl's, but whats the best to use to get it as close as possible? All blue or all red? Or a mix of the 2? Also, did you do 24/0 or what? Those look really good for cfl, i hope my cfl grow turns out as good as yours.

Here are the 2 i removed from the other grow room and put under cfl's. As you can tell, i had some yellow spots but the new growth is coming out fine. I gave them some calmag and epsom salt. The smaller one has been tied down longer. I just took off the paper clips 2 days ago and they've already stood right back up. Oh well. The 2, 3, and last pic show the one i fim'ed and missed a little and cut off one of the leaves :P Oh well, at least the part i fim'ed is doing good. And the last pic is just a seed i put in the dirt 4 days ago. Needs a new pot thats for sure. All and all they are doing fine for being taken from their nice home, but they could be doing better under these cfl's. Got any advice?



Well-Known Member
the first pic,,the 14 day old,,was 4 inches tall,,and about 7 nodes ,,it looks like it's overwatered,,but it was not,,there was just so much foliage and branches on that lil girl,,thats how she looked,,she was healthy as hell,,you have many plants and would take many cfl's ,,I have 4-42 watters in a 18 inch by 18 inch by 36 inches high veg cabinet,,,fully mylared and vented,,I keep my lil ones 1-2 inches from the cfl's,,they grow out,,not up,,nodes stay very very tight,,keep the light close as possible and you will grow bushes,,not trees,,bro I'm not mad bout anything,,,you wanted criticism,,you got it,,if people don't read from the beginning,,and ask,,why more than 1 per pot,,just answer politely,,you have to expect ppl are gonna still ask why,,hey,,if it's working ,,rock on,,I been watchin this thread from day one,,and will still be watchin upon completion,,good luck

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Ahh, see. That first pic you posted looks very very bad dude. But you know its looking good in real life and i believe you. Pictures dont do a grow justice. Thats why when you said they all looked wilted and burned and all that i kinda got mad cause they dont look any of that. I even went through all of my pics looking at them again to see where they were wilted. I seen one or two pics, but for the most part they are perky like a 14 year olds boobies. And mine are 23 days old today and are looking like your second pic but i have 3 in a pot. Thats all i was saying. BTW, that second pic looks fucking awesome! Dont you just love seeing node upon node upon node? Ill count some tomorrow and measure to give you an update. Oh, and i was asking about cfl's for the 2 i brought in. I wouldnt try putting cfl's over all them outside :) We have 3 4' T-5's on the way for the sides of the shed. Well, thanks for the advice and stuff. And how do you get those cfl's so close? I can get mine about 3-4in away and the leaves start kinda pointing up and showing signs of heat stress. I have fans blowing on them and some removing air. Oh well, i guess ill just leave them where they are, they are doing fine i guess. Did you see the pics right above this of the cfl grow? What do you think of that one? Thanks for watching from beginning. Its about to look alot different now that we are coming up on 4wks. Soon we will be kicking the male's ass' outta there!! Cant wait!! We are gonna veg for another 4 weeks probably. At least 3...does that sound good? A total of about 50-55 days?


Well-Known Member
And how do you get those cfl's so close? I can get mine about 3-4in away and the leaves start kinda pointing up and showing signs of heat stress. I have fans blowing on them and some removing air. Oh well, i guess ill just leave them where they are, they are doing fine i guess. Did you see the pics right above this of the cfl grow?
The leaves pointing up is not a bad thing it's actually a good thing, this is how my bushy bitch got so damn bushy and tight, I believe.

Did you see the pics right above this of the cfl grow?
Where is this pic that you speak of? I went two pages back couldn't find it!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, thats exactly what my leaves where doing. So it worked for you, i guess ill keep them that close cause yours are awesome! And the pics of my cfl's are on page 13. Last pics. Its just 3 or 4 pics, but it shows ones that i got out of one of the pots in my other grow. I dug them up with no problems. I wouldnt try that now though :P They are getting just a little to big to risk fucking with the roots. Anyways, thanks for the advice. Im going to put them closer right now.


Well-Known Member
Yes it worked for me and I kept it that close to about the 4th or 5th nod, then I raised it some, what ever you do do not under water your plants with the light being that close, you will burn the leaves, I found that out the hard way.

I'm sorry still can't find the pic of the cfl's, are you refering to one of the following images?



Well-Known Member
Nah man, they are on page 13. Next to last post. I dont know why you are not finding them, i can see them. I hope they are still working. I dunno, click on page 13 then go to the next to last post. Its a pretty long one. The second pic is a pot sitting on a red table. You cant miss them man. Page 13, Next to last post. And about the lights, i moved them closer and ill keep them that way for awhile. Thanks for the tips bro.


Well-Known Member
The leaves pointing up is not a bad thing it's actually a good thing, this is how my bushy bitch got so damn bushy and tight, I believe.

Where is this pic that you speak of? I went two pages back couldn't find it!
well,,,,we just kinda kissed and made up,,so I didn't want to start a new argument already,,but I feel the same way,,as a matter of fact,,here are 6 brand new seedlings,,exactly one week old today,,they are standing at attention I'd say,,the tallest is 2 inches,,and they are on there second node now,,and the third is already tiny lil leaves inside the top,,I also start nutes from day one above the dirt,,,at 1/8th strength,,hopefully these seeds will be my last dirt grow,,as I'd like to go with the roots in a water bucket thing,,

Keep on Growin




Well-Known Member
Nah man, they are on page 13. Next to last post. I dont know why you are not finding them, i can see them. I hope they are still working. I dunno, click on page 13 then go to the next to last post. Its a pretty long one. The second pic is a pot sitting on a red table. You cant miss them man. Page 13, Next to last post. And about the lights, i moved them closer and ill keep them that way for awhile. Thanks for the tips bro.

I saw those, how was I supposed to know if they were the ones under cfl's? I was referring to the cfl setup it's self, I basically wanted to see how close they were to yur plants, can we get a shot of them as they are now?


Well-Known Member
Yeah sorry, i thought i said that was the cfl grow right about the pics. My bad. Anyways, i moved them so they are almost touch the light. I have it to were the computer fans are blowing right on the light. You can grab the light for as long as you want and not feel any heat. I just thought if they were turned up like that it was heat stress. I see now its not heat stress, its just them getting alot of light which is a good thing. They are close now and i think they are already doing better. Thanks for the advice guys! Here are a few pics taken just like 5min ago. As you can see i had some trouble with some yellow spots. Im not quite sure what the problem is. I added some epsom salt and the new growth is doing fine. Itsjust the old growth. Do you know what these spots are? Im pretty sure its not nitrogen. It may be ph being off cause im not testing the ph for these. This is just kinda something im doing on the side in my closet. If they dont make it its not a big deal. I would like to know what that yellowing is in case it happens to the real grow :) I think it was either calcium, magnesium, maganese or ph being off. Since the epsome salt cleared it up im assuming it was magnesium? Any clue what this is? The second and last pic is a seed that is 5 days old. It didnt look good the first and second day, but boy has it taken off. P.S. Yes these were JUST watered. I soaked them, im doing a little test...



Well-Known Member
They are a little over an inch away. You can slide your hand between them and the light comfortably. Like i said you can actually grab and hold onto the light for as long as you want and it barely heats up. Those fans right on them really helps. P.S. Yes those were JUST watered. I soaked them, im doing a little test...