My New Room Specs - Feedback On Light Needs etc appreciated

Hi there everyone. I am new to growing purely hydroponically. I have never taken a massive amount of time or effort in previous grows in terms of research, education etc. I have done outdoors o natural, also an indoors grow with a single light, soil medium. I am jumping in full steam this time and going for 20 plant room SeaOfGreen grow with indica dominant strains. 2 Strains i intend to start out on are - Sensi Seeds Black Domina ( ) Sensi Seeds Super Skunk ( ) Im still tossing up about the super skunk.... I am contemplating bout - Sensi Seeeds American Dream ( ) I wanted to get feedback on that 2 because, there is VERY VERY little forum talk or open discussion on the quality, ease of keeping and yield about American Dream. To me it seems to have potential but im wary of walking into trouble on my 1st pure water grows and i know super skunk will be kind. The reason i chose those 3 strains is that i should be able to keep them in the same room and light cycle, the main reservoirs for each strain would be different though so that i can better adjust their nutrient needs to each strain. They also seem to have some of the shortest grow times and highest yields for set grow times. Also they are short plants and i have a shortish room. The Setup would be in a 3.8m Long, 3.0m Wide & 1.85m High room - 1) Raised ( On bessa block + wood planks) & Linked Dutch Pot System... 4 Rows of 5 plants. Meshed Bottom Pots over the top of bigger pots. Meshed bottom contains medium. 2) 1 main reservoir per 2 rows. 2 Rows ( 10 plants total ) per strain. Main reservoir contains water heater (25 degree's celcius), Air Stone on at all times. Mixing of nutrients done in main. 3) Dual Drip feeds per Pot. All plants 2nd Pot contains Air Stones going at all times. Draining via linked pvc pipe to main reservoir which is on ground underneath pots. Water levels kept so that all 2nd LVL pots maintain water levels at about 70 % full. Timered Drip flow. Adjusted to plants needs. 4) Rock wool medium. Research leads me to believe this is the most sterile and easy to change medium. Dosnt clog nozzles over time and , although not reusable, is cheap and effective and easy to replace each cycle. Also easy to cut and move the squares from seed bats to main pots etc 5) Interchangeable HIDS (HPS vegetative then MH flowering) + Terrarium lights ( For actual UV to increase resin ). At the moment i have 2 x 400 Watt Interchangeable. Im thinking i might need at least another 2 x 600 Watt ( 2000 watts in total ) . Timer'd of course. 6) Light cycles starting on 12 h/p/d in seedling, progressing upto 23 h/p/d in veg, then , switched to MH and slowly progressing down to 12 again. Ive read its best to do the light change slowly, by an hour a day so to speak, so as to not shock the plant too much... 7) Doing research on C02 generators atm but i have full intentions of including it in my setup, just not sure on Hired Gas bottles or LPG burners. Leaning towards Burners. Only done during lighted times when plant is photosynthesizing. Timer'd of Course. 8) Carbon Scrubber-ed Ventilation. Ducting Fed From centre of room. Fan is Timer'd. Timer is periodically alternating with C02 generator. Ventilation remains active during plants night phase to enable more 02. 9) 2 Pedestal or Wall mounted fans, Oscillating, On opposite sides of the room, on most of the time. To encourage adequate fiber growth in stems to prevent breaks during flowering. Panda Sheet on all the walls, Ceiling and floor. 100 % sealed light room. 10) Temperature Gauge/ Humidity Gauge on Wall to measure rooms temp etc. Self monitored during daily checks at different times and adjustments made via changes to timer on ventilation if i feel its getting to toasty or to humid... I am going to have the plants day cycle on at night, and its night cycle during our day. That way the lights keep it warm at night and the day will naturally be hot anyway ( Live in Oz ). Nothing ever below 15 degrees Celcius. 11) Air Ionizer ( Same thing asthmatics use ) To remove potential nastys in the air. 12) Ph & Nutrient tester on hand at all times, Ph at about 6.5 Tested from main reservoir Daily. I have no clue about what nutrients i will be using in my grow I know theres vege nutrients and flower nutrients but as to what brand etc, Or Additives, i have no clue. I know to expect spider mites at some stage but thats the extent of my pest knowledge... I know to watch for fungus and mould if its getting too moist...... When i get a bit more money to add to the quality of the room i will get environmental controls, and have it automatically control humidity. Humidity at about 70 % That is the extent of my Theory Craft on my setup. What i would love to know is - A) What is the recommended light needs for the size of this room in terms of watts? B) What is the recommended amount of lights to use to spread the recommended wattage over the room ? C) What is your recommended strain choice out of the above ( And your own personal choice ) for a beginners cash crop ? D) What is your recommended Nutrient Choice and Additive Choice? E) Any other tips or advice in regards to things i missed or got wrong Thankyou for taking the time to put in your 2 cents


Well-Known Member
I mean no disrespect or rudeness in anyway sir, but please use the Tab key to break up that wall of text. " Giant block of text crits you for 999,999 Damage. You die.."

Ok so you have

10x9x6 ~ grow Space Nice space to work with!
"Dutch pot system" I dont know much about hydro.
Lots of bells and whistles and info on your drainage and feeders so it sounds like you know how your going to run the system.
2x 400 watt lights Going to need allot more light for your space even with the reptile/aquarium lights for uv
20Plant Scrog Thats gonna be a big yield if you pull it off.
Single Duct fan You will need to work on your cooling/venting system when you get all your lights in thats a wholenother project!
Air scrubber Always a plus if your trying to keep smell down depending on what kind you have.

Thats about all I read before I gave up =P. From what I read you need to work on lights and vent/cooling hell throw a portable AC in that huge room and never worry about temps again.

A) At LEAST 4x 600w lights, One to cover each 5x5 grid evenly "only growing in like 4x4 of it to give ya a foot to get around and tend your plants" but better would be 4x1000x lights. Either cool tubes or closed hoods all connected to a strong exhaust fan.

B) Same

C)If your ordering from sensi seeds you cannot go wrong with Black Domina and Sensi Star "SS is my favorite strain in the worls" Huge dense extremely potent nugs from both strains.

D)Hydro i have no clue on nutes gl with that sir.

E1) Dont stress humidity so much, I live where its arid and I cant get my humidity past 20-35% and it doesn't affect my girls.
E2)You need to have fresh air circulating via some sort of fan or duct bringing in COOL air from the FLOOR LEVEL outside the grow room ALL the time not just on a timer. OR get a portable AC unit.
E3)With enough light to get that room lit up your going to need to do some research on ducting all the hot air out in the most effective manner, I would think have 2 of the lights attached via can fans and then attack the end of that to a Y-Tube connector along with the other 2 lights on their own can fan connected to the other leg of the Y- . Then put a 3rd stronger fan on the end and have that venting the 2 systems out of the tent through your filter/scrubber. You will still need a ac unit if you go with the 4x 1000 watters more than likely. With the exception of running the lights during the night at winter time, with outside air venting in.


Well-Known Member
2x 400 watt lights Going to need allot more light for your space even with the reptile/aquarium lights for uv

You have 54 sq. feet of floor space did'n I just answer you in another thread?? WTF any how you need 6 600w.