My NL AutoFlower started Flowering BUT they seem to have some Problems - PICS Inside


Hey guys,

My AutoFlower Northen Lights,bought from Nirvana and grown 24/7 under 4 CFLs X 26W (6400k) and they started flowering after about 1 -1 and half months.
I managed to get them here,without any ventilation beside 2 small holes in the Growbox due to noise.
Now,they seem to have some problems,since the Tips are starting to get whiter and then turning brown like dieing.

Could the ventilation be the problem? Or humidity?

I also couldn't check the humidity,but placing a wet towel in the growbow,would work to increase the humidity?
I haven't added any fertilizers what so ever because I can't check my soil PH so I went 100% natural.

At first,I tought the lights were the cause,because I had them placed at about 10-15 CMs away from the top,now,I moved them pretty far,also hoping to stretch them a bit since they seem really small.

Here are some pics,what should I do to save my girls?
The other 2 small plants,are about 15-20 days old and they seem to be going good in my opinion.


Astral Zoom

Active Member
what kind of soil are you in? ventilation is def a must! just add an intake fan or leave your box open a little bit and see if that helps.

your soil may also be at a ph that locks out nutrient uptake. Get a ph tester and some nutes in that soil man!!

Ebay is your best bet, my pH test kit was like $11 and is spot on with calibration abilities.

But even with no pH test you can easily add nutes to your babies without a huge scare of altering ph too much.

They are starving and saying feeedddd me daddy feeeeeddddd meeeeeeee

Astral Zoom

Active Member
But they look great other than the tips yellowing. which is def not life threatening in the immediate future.

Hope this helped just throwin out some thoughts, someone else may have more direct experience to share.

As for the cfls, as long as you got a fan going (what are the temps?) they can be and should be a few inches from your plants coils facing the ladies of course!

A wet towel would help, I heard one grower on here Set up a towel hangin down into a 5 gal bucket of water to wick up the water and had a fan blowing behind it to spread moisture and make sure no nasties grew on the towel
