Need all info please flowering back to veg


I HAVE A COUPLE OF PLANTS THAT DIDNT GET THAT BIG BUT THEY HAVE ALREADY FLOWERING. i brought them in put them under a 1000 watt mh and have given them fox farm grow big,also with a light reg of 19 on 5 offthe smallest i ttransplanted her in a organic soil and she seems to getting taller while the other two wich were a little bigger had a lot more bud and they seem to be thickening with small upwards growth any help would be appreciated thx smoke it up:leaf:


Active Member
u reveg them , what did u expect ? , whats ur actual question since u know u do reveg them ?
No, the flowers will stay there and new ones will grow on top when you go back into flower.

Only problem with going from flower to veg and flower again is your might cause a hermie so i wouldnt advise it.

Its ok for a plant to start flowering at a small size because it still grows (upto 3 times bigger) throughout flowering.


Well-Known Member
No, the flowers will stay there and new ones will grow on top when you go back into flower.

Only problem with going from flower to veg and flower again is your might cause a hermie so i wouldnt advise it.

Its ok for a plant to start flowering at a small size because it still grows (upto 3 times bigger) throughout flowering.
it wont cause a hermie. The buds are where your new growth will start coming from. doing this will effect the buds badly, they will stop growing and be worthless pretty much and eventually just die and sort of fall off.


Active Member
darkdestruction is acurate enough , let is expand a bit , if lets say we talk about a typical indica strain , the buds best time to cut is about 8 weeks after start of flowering , as long u keep the buds on the plant they loose theyre vigor , some weeks later they start to die out so lets asume that a lifespan of a bud is rougly 10-12 weeks max , if u reveg the buds will continue theyre lifecyrcle ( w/o maturing tho ) , the time of the revegatation ( im pretty sure this word is wrong ) will be added to the time the buds took to form , when u will eventually reflower it will take the typical 8 weeks so to be ready , the 1st set of buds will have that added life and most propably they will expire the 10-12 weeks of theyre life cyrcle

the best thing u can do is flower it asap so to get something out of it
noooo it can cause a hermine espsly with femnized seeds and the buds arnt goin to fall off they will be find dont listen to darkdestruction420 its like hes makin it up off what he thinks should be right
noooo it can cause a hermine espsly with femnized seeds and the buds arnt goin to fall off they will be find dont listen to darkdestruction420 its like hes makin it up off what he thinks should be right
LOL, darkdestruction, i dont intend to undermine you like the last reply but im sure that buds wont fall off if the plant is re vegged for a short period of time (they prob would if it was for a long period) and switching back and forth from veg to flower DOES cause hermies. The reason im so sure of these two facts is because ive seen them happen first hand :)

To hophop420 i would advise to keep them in flower and dont go back into veg, dont worry they'll still grow much bigger.

In future, if you want to have big plants when they go into flower, veg them outside!!! I have a 7 and a half foot tall plant with about 40 days left hehe..took about 2 months to veg though lol