Need an opinon about my design


Well-Known Member
i mixed up diffrent systems. i started out with an ebb and flow but now i have a board on top of my flood trey with net pots.. i was thinking the roots will dry out inbetween floods. has anyone ever tryed this before


I dont think that I really understand...You have the flood tables.. Purchasing hydroton or Rockwool isnt an option? There are even more options then that..As far as placing a board on top of the table? Get some Rockwool 4 inch cubes.Then at about half way through your flowering put some hydroton to creat a 2 inch think layer at the bottom..This way roots wont really tangle or get burnt..



Well-Known Member
sorry i was not clear here is a picture.. i have bought peice of wood 4'x2'x1/2" and cut holes for 5" netpots. when i put the netpot into the wood sheet the bottoms of the pots barely touch the overflow lvl. so i am afraid the roots will die if i dont hand water them until the roots hang lower. another option i thought of doing is buying another set of netpots that are smaller and ziptieing them to the bottom of the orginal pots makeing them deeper and hopefully the water will wick up the medium to the roots.

i got scared because i looked up some more ebb and flow systems and all of the treys where filled with medium and the plants stuck right inthe trey. basicly i want to have my plants suspended so the roots can grow better. then i thought that since my system will only flood a few times a day the roots will dry out to much.

i did some more looking around and found out the way my system is set up is better than filling the trey up all the way.

pros +
better roots
better growth

cons -
system has to flood more often
need more nutes to fill the trey without medium



I suspect that you will most likely experinence algae and root problems due to the clear table though.. I mean you have the top covered but who knows