Need help knowing what is going on with my buds.

I'm on the 8th week of flowering and I'm starting to show the same problem I had the last time.

First of all my strain is called black haze and its 12 week flowering. Supposedly I have another month to go. Now a friend has told me that once you get the top buds growing like another stem/bud looking thing you have gone too far and you gotta cut em. The last time this happened we cut and didn't get hardly any bud production. I look with a magnifier and all the trichs are fully erect and clear to foggy with a very small percentage turning amberish. Can somebody please enlighten me hear, am I getting bad info and should I keep going or should I cut? What are these things growing out and why is it happening? I havn't found any info on this. I can put some pics if you need me to show you what I'm talking about. Sorry for the ignorance relatively new at this.


Well-Known Member
This might help-

As the plant matures the new calyx (flower) will form making new pistals (hairs). As each calyx ripen the pistals in those individual calyx will shrivel and receed back. You're going to see a bunch of new calyx form with new pistals that shrivel, that's what makes up the bud. When it comes time to harvest you're going to be looking for a number of things at once, not just the trich color like everyone says, there's more to it.
Here's the order the plant matures so you know what to expect-

1. calyx and pistals form
2. pistal hairs turn color and shrivel back to calyx which will have started swelling
3. calyx swell with resin
4. **Now is when to look for trich color**

The trichomes can start changing color from the time they develope so you can't rely on just that to judge harvest time and pistals have nothing to do with it since they form and shrivel up up until harvest.
This might help-

As the plant matures the new calyx (flower) will form making new pistals (hairs). As each calyx ripen the pistals in those individual calyx will shrivel and receed back. You're going to see a bunch of new calyx form with new pistals that shrivel, that's what makes up the bud. When it comes time to harvest you're going to be looking for a number of things at once, not just the trich color like everyone says, there's more to it.
Here's the order the plant matures so you know what to expect-

1. calyx and pistals form
2. pistal hairs turn color and shrivel back to calyx which will have started swelling
3. calyx swell with resin
4. **Now is when to look for trich color**

The trichomes can start changing color from the time they develope so you can't rely on just that to judge harvest time and pistals have nothing to do with it since they form and shrivel up up until harvest.
Ok so these things growing out are called a "calyx"? So it's like a new bud? Also you said this is normal my friend is wrong by telling me that I need to cut when these new calyx's start growing? I added some pics so you can see them and tell me if my ladies are ready and your general opinion. Some came out blurry but you can see the ones in the background. If you notice the first pic on the bottom left you can see a calyx starting to protrude very clearly.



Well-Known Member
Wow that is a lot of plants for being new but yeah, that's what your seeing. Those have about 4 weeks left like you said.


Active Member
several weeks to go.. the stigmas will be receding back instead of reaching out like yours.. everything is looking good keep on the nutes for another couple weeks then start your flush


the stigma is the hair looking thing, it will switch shade and begin receding back into the bud as harvest grows nearer.
Fantastic FuzzyHaze so I'm going to keep watching the stigmas and hopefully start the flush at the right time. I want to get a nice stoner high I guess the trick would be to catch em when I start seeing them changing color.