Need help sexing this plant :(


Well-Known Member
first attempt at growing this is indoor aerophonics setup 400w HPS/MH conv light 4 plants this is the only 1 showing. pics below. To me it looks like a male, or maybe a hermie? if the pictures are 2 blurry let me know :( i done the best i can tho. Just wanna make sure b4 i cull this plant out and let the other 3 keep going



Well-Known Member
see thats the thing, the bottom has 2 diff sets of clusters they are balls im sure on that, but the top of the plant has what looks to be buds forming, and i can see the pistols, they arent real big but they are there. :( why i was thinking hermie maybe


Well-Known Member
they can grow great and look great and end up disapointing u,put it to good use,make butter and then bake brownies.


Active Member
butter recipe please! but looks male to me. and if it was hermie i would get rid of it.
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