need help!!!!


Active Member
my bottom leaves are turning yellow i think its because they need to be transplanted i cant transplant till tuesday, is it worth it to buy more lights and stuff for transplant or will the plants die. they're 4 weeks old i have until the 18th of december to grow can somebody help. the 4th set of leaves are starting to grow in if you wanted to know how big they are.


Active Member
if it's the two small round leave that are dieing that is normal. but i would have to know more to tell you if there was a real problem:bigjoint:


Active Member
those round leaves died already and the ridged ones above those are turning yellow, on a couple plants i cut the ridged leaves off and the three leaf ones are dying i cant get pics i have no camera. do you think it would be worth it to buy lights and other stuff to keep growing or do you thinnk they will die. other than that the plants look healthy i think i just nee to transplant, as off now they have no nutrients and i have them growing in beer cans with the top cut off.


Well-Known Member
do you have holes in bottom of cans.
it could be lack of light or lack nutes or both
like i said more light is never a bad thing
so trans plant them get some nutes go very easy with them..
and get more lights what you got for lights now??


Active Member
I'm using a 2 foot floro i think its 20 watt they don't look to unhealthy, i will have more equipment Tuesday, and the cans do have holes.I'm planing on getting 150 watt worth of CFLs will that be enough.


Well-Known Member
the more light you have
the better the end result.
i do not use flos only for clone and seed