need help


Well-Known Member
ok i planted my seeds like 5 days agaio they broke thor the surface and they still got thos lil like leaf flaps things i can see he lil jagg pointed leave pot plants got i was wondering ok im going to move them out side soon i just wanted to know i keep them in my windo all day but at night it gets cold in here so i mive them in to my iintermante senter its dark will they grow in the dark or do i need to turn on a ligth its liek 70 in my room hot!!!!


Well-Known Member
you can start them in the window and leave them in the dark at night and they'll be fine. you might try using some punctuation if you'd like more responses.


Well-Known Member
i smoked my self retarted lol so ya but um so do i need to get lights on them?? they grew a lot to day i look at them a lott


Well-Known Member
well, if you're going to plant them outdoors, you can probably grow them large enough in the windowsill, but a CFL until then sure wouldn't hurt.


Well-Known Member
well ok the sun shines in my Window like for maby 9 hours or 10 its ben sunny every day i just wanted to know if that would be ok?? i dont wanna fuck thias up my 1st time growing lol i gess im doin ok im going to get pic in a min dose cfl stand for compact fluorescent light?? i think i goty a 100 watt will that work or do i need to get more??


Well-Known Member
ne1 know if a 100 watt cfi will work for just 3 lil plants?? at night or should i keep the ligth off them at night just put them in the windo for sun light during the day??


Well-Known Member
you probably have 100 watt equivalent, which is like 20 watts or something real power.

before answering meaningfully any lighting question: how large do you want to grow them before you transplant?