Need opinions & ideas


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU, and the wonderful world of cultivating the world's most misunderstood and feared medicines!!!

The only 'advice' I can give you or anyone is to read and learn and then apply what you have read and learned to your garden and you cannot fail. Anyways, remember the search tool is your friend...Lots of folks here willing to help a new farmer get up and growing. But at the end of the day your grow will be only as good as the knowledge and work you put into it.

It is always great to ask questions but do not take anyone's advice or opinions and follow blindly. Do your own research, you will be much happier knowing you have done it for yourself and by yourself. The first buzz you get from your own by far the BEST high you will ever have!

Do a search using your current question as the keyword(s) and ZOOOM!! Like Wonka's Great Glass Elevator…off you go to tons of threads answering all your questions. Read all the Newbie Central stickies and learn…

After that you are a seasoned vet. Because to soak up all that information and sift through it, is going to take time. You will likely finish your first grow by then. Viola! grow complete and education well under way.

Many many people on RIU use coco coir. All you need to figure out is how to properly water and fertilize your gurlz....Lots of organic and non-organic nutes and ferts out there. I would do a search using coco feeding as the key words...I just did the search myself took about 15 seconds to find this:

That should be a good start for you.


Active Member
Buy a good ppm and ph meter. I hear coco plants need nutrition early on and extra calmag. Little plants cant take much so you'll want to really have a good ppm meter to measure the nutrient strength of water.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing in a coco and pebble mix. They 100% need nutes early on I started with 6inch clones just gave them water for the first week and the growth was shocking as little as 2cm in the first week I bought some canna vega and they shot up

Welcome to RIU, and the wonderful world of cultivating the world's most misunderstood and feared medicines!!!

The only 'advice' I can give you or anyone is to read and learn and then apply what you have read and learned to your garden and you cannot fail. Anyways, remember the search tool is your friend...Lots of folks here willing to help a new farmer get up and growing. But at the end of the day your grow will be only as good as the knowledge and work you put into it.

It is always great to ask questions but do not take anyone's advice or opinions and follow blindly. Do your own research, you will be much happier knowing you have done it for yourself and by yourself. The first buzz you get from your own by far the BEST high you will ever have!

Do a search using your current question as the keyword(s) and ZOOOM!! Like Wonka's Great Glass Elevator…off you go to tons of threads answering all your questions. Read all the Newbie Central stickies and learn…

After that you are a seasoned vet. Because to soak up all that information and sift through it, is going to take time. You will likely finish your first grow by then. Viola! grow complete and education well under way.

Many many people on RIU use coco coir. All you need to figure out is how to properly water and fertilize your gurlz....Lots of organic and non-organic nutes and ferts out there. I would do a search using coco feeding as the key words...I just did the search myself took about 15 seconds to find this:

That should be a good start for you.
Buy a good ppm and ph meter. I hear coco plants need nutrition early on and extra calmag. Little plants cant take much so you'll want to really have a good ppm meter to measure the nutrient strength of water.


Active Member
Yup I have blue lab ph and ppm meter. Well worth it. Id imagine coco needs a couple hundred ppm to start small clones. Id prolly be feeding clones less than 1/4 strength grow nutrients, calmag, and maybe a little trace minerals. I like soil though so this is just an educaed guess.


Well-Known Member
I do al my growing through coco and I love the stuff.
I have never come across a problem that I couldn't fix.
Too strong nute? Just flush it.
Also lock outs don't tend to happen very often if you watch how much you feed and your e.c and ph.
I personally use a a+b coco nutrient with a part c silica based aswell.
On top I use macro nutrients eg.
Humic acids, fulvic acids and seaweed extracts.
I run about 6 different nutrients so it cost me about $130 AUD per grow but worth it as you encounter no issues with deficiencies or lockouts and or cal/mag problems


Well-Known Member
I do al my growing through coco and I love the stuff.
I have never come across a problem that I couldn't fix.
Too strong nute? Just flush it.
Also lock outs don't tend to happen very often if you watch how much you feed and your e.c and ph.
I personally use a a+b coco nutrient with a part c silica based aswell.
On top I use macro nutrients eg.
Humic acids, fulvic acids and seaweed extracts.
I run about 6 different nutrients so it cost me about $130 AUD per grow but worth it as you encounter no issues with deficiencies or lockouts and or cal/mag problems

I was going to buy seeweed extract, but wasnt sure about the end results, taste etc.