Neighbors/smell problem help?

Hi all, basically my neighbor has pulled me to one side and said he can smell a strong smell of cannabis, he’s took me inside he’s garage and I must admit it does slightly smell which worried me. We both have a 20ft x 20ft garage out the back and basically they are semi attatched to each other. I use a 4x4 tent, 6 inch rvk fan and rhino filter to match. I have no windows in the garage and my air that gets cleaned by the filter is blowing back into the same room. Is that my problem? Is there any way to completely smell proof the room so this does not happen again?

what is yor your tent air pressure?I mean carbon filter fan need to suck your tent, . there is more experienced growers reply this but ,maybe that is your problem. 2x in 3x out makes your tent air pressure negative thats what you need
what you do is more scrubbers. i guess people who dont live in legal states have never been to clinics but when you go to a big clinic in a downtown area you see how its done. huge carbon filters. like 10" diameter and 4 feet tall, sitting on the ground with a 10" inline fan sitting on top sucking air through the filter and blowing it out the top. just running continuously on full blast scrubbing all the air in the room. if you are exhausting back into your garage this is essentially what your fan/filter is doing now anyway. depening on the size of your garage and the filters you get you would probably only need an additional one, but in big clinics ive seen 6-10 of these running before. you can definetely get rid of the smell its just a question of how many scrubbers u need. note that high humidity greatly reduces the effect of carbon filters.

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what you do is more scrubbers. i guess people who dont live in legal states have never been to clinics but when you go to a big clinic in a downtown area you see how its done. huge carbon filters. like 10" diameter and 4 feet tall, sitting on the ground with a 10" inline fan sitting on top sucking air through the filter and blowing it out the top. just running continuously on full blast scrubbing all the air in the room. if you are exhausting back into your garage this is essentially what your fan/filter is doing now anyway. depening on the size of your garage and the filters you get you would probably only need an additional one, but in big clinics ive seen 6-10 of these running before. you can definetely get rid of the smell its just a question of how many scrubbers u need. note that high humidity greatly reduces the effect of carbon filters.

really is he need to use 4ft and 4ft tent to do this? ı have one room inside 2 tent bigger than 4ft 4ft ı have no smell at all
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really is he need to use 4ft and 4ft tent to do this?

it is my experience also that one quality filter should be enough to remove the smell from a 4x4. like you said with negative air pressure and filtered exhaust it should be enough. so the issue is that he is recirculating air, not exhausting it, and whatever filter he has isnt handling the load of all the odors. so he needs to replace it or add an additional, bigger, or higher quality filter to take some of the load off the one he is using currently.

what i do is i have my veg tent recirculating air with a filter inside it, essentially acting as a carbon scrubber for the whole room, and then i have my flower tent exhausting air out a window(but in his case it wouldn't be) through a 2nd filter. when you're recirculating air, any additional filter will reduce the load and improve odor situation. when you're exhausting air out a window, one big quality filter should be enough.
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it is my experience also that one quality filter should be enough to remove the smell from a 4x4. like you said with negative air pressure and filtered exhaust it should be enough. so the issue is that he is recirculating and whatever filter he has isnt handling the load of all the odors. so he needs to replace it or add an additional, bigger, or higher quality filter to take some of the load off the one he is using currently.

what i do is i have my veg tent recirculating air with a filter inside it, essentially acting as a carbon scrubber for the whole room, and then i have my flower tent exhausting air out a window through a 2nd filter. the filter in the veg tent reduces the load on the exhaust of the flower tent. but if the exhaust of the flower tent is depleted/too small/low quality carbon you will still get smells.

ı was very upset what he is dealing with his neighbor. there is someting wrong his setup. Neither do I exhausting air out a window . but in winter ı cant do this even so there is no smell at all. maybe filter is small than fan fastly pass out filter cant remove all odors.
ı was very upset what he is dealing with his neighbor. there is someting wrong his setup. Neither do I exhausting air out a window . but in winter ı cant do this even so there is no smell at all. maybe filter is small than fan fastly pass out filter cant remove all odors.

you are correct. it could be that the fan is pulling air too fast through the filter. or that the filter is low quality, or depleted. but giving OP the benefit of the doubt it could also be that he has set it up properly but just has very, very, very smelly plants.

he says he has no windows in his garage so exhaust is not really an option. i see a scrubber as his only option really.
Hi all, basically my neighbor has pulled me to one side and said he can smell a strong smell of cannabis, he’s took me inside he’s garage and I must admit it does slightly smell which worried me. We both have a 20ft x 20ft garage out the back and basically they are semi attatched to each other. I use a 4x4 tent, 6 inch rvk fan and rhino filter to match. I have no windows in the garage and my air that gets cleaned by the filter is blowing back into the same room. Is that my problem? Is there any way to completely smell proof the room so this does not happen again?
get a carbon filter problem solved
Hi all, basically my neighbor has pulled me to one side and said he can smell a strong smell of cannabis, he’s took me inside he’s garage and I must admit it does slightly smell which worried me. We both have a 20ft x 20ft garage out the back and basically they are semi attatched to each other. I use a 4x4 tent, 6 inch rvk fan and rhino filter to match. I have no windows in the garage and my air that gets cleaned by the filter is blowing back into the same room. Is that my problem? Is there any way to completely smell proof the room so this does not happen again?
you neighbor is a nosy cunt that wants some i would think strongly of burning down his house or something
My neighbors smelled it and came to buy some lmao. I do have 1 neighbor that's a complete bitch and called the cops but nothing they would do about it. But I also have multiple fans and filters and the smell is still there. Theres always gonna be some smell
Good old neighbours eh... neighbours on my one side are absolute dickheads constantly complaining/being passive aggressive the moment they catch whiff of any weed, sucks because I gotta be careful in the summer smoking because of them bitching and whining I have to keep them sweet incase they keep complaining and put me and my grow at risk haha