New grow, suggestions/critics wanted


Hi, so I want to grow two, MAYBE three plants, just to see if I can, and if they do well i'll consider going bigger next time. So I was thinking, a 250 watt HPS(considering MH for veg but I've read a lot of threads where it says it doesn't help that much, and had a few people tell me the same). About 3 square feet, was thinking about a stealth dresser but i could make a box and put it in my closet or something like that. Soilless medium, Peat Moss, Vermiculite and Perlite(Perhaps some bone meal and worm castings), going to paint whatever area I use flat white. Thinking an 80 cfm fan for exhaust and a passive intake, plus 2, maybe 3 small fans on the inside to cool the light and aimed at the plants.

For nutrients I was going to go with "FloraGro (2-1-6), FloraBloom(0-5-4), and FloraMicro (5-0-1) series". There's instructions on the back for the veg and flowering stages and I've seen someone use these with very good results. Some PH up and down powders. A cheap Ph/moisture/light tester. Either going to use distilled water or just leave the tap water out for the chlorine to evaporate, probably get a ppm meter if I can afford and go that route. And a 30x microscope from a hydro store. I think that's all but I feel like there's something I forgot to mention. And I'm pretty set on the 250 watt for now, considered 150, 400, 600 and I'm confident after reading who knows how many threads that 250 should be good for a small area and 2 or 3 plants.

I have 4 seeds, from a friend's grow, supposed to be amazing but who knows. I'll be happy if just one germinates because honestly I just want to see if I can do this first. And even if it ends up being male i'll be happy because i can mess with it, try and figure it out.

I feel like I forgot something but whatever. Please critique my idea and give me suggestions or whatever. Thanks in advance(hopefully)

New Light+ballast= roughly $150(getting it local, can't get anything mailed)
Perlite+Vermiculite+Peat Moss+Nutrients= roughly $50
Ph up+down+tester= roughly $35
Microscope= $20
Still need to check out fans
And a homemade carbon filter, who knows how much that'll be, i'm hoping $30 tops
And money isn't flowing free so I can't get much else

Thank you!:leaf:

Oh and LOL, I just made this account to view pictures, didn't think I would actually post anything so please excuse the username.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a sexy grow man, can't wait to see the results. I have a new grow setup going as well. I'll be watchin' :leaf:


If i actually get three I'm going to top one, LST another and just leave the other alone, see what works for me. Probably pick up the stuff over the next few weeks, a month tops(hopefully).
to go cheap, it will kick you in the nuts when it counts the most.

For your first grow why go with a soiless medium? I would think that it would be harder to control the environment on your first go time around.

My 400HPS works awesome on my 4 plants.


What would you recommend over soilless? Hydro seems like it would be harder to control, but I haven't read much about it or even considered it really so I guess I should check it out.


Active Member
if you are new to it... grow in soil.. wow, what a concept.... but honestly.. the soil will allow you to make a mistake, learn from it and most importantly, your plant will still grow for you to enjoy it.

Hydro is actually easier to control, the problem is there is so many things you MUST control properly or you could potentially ruin the crop.

Soil is like growing with mother nature helping you out.. With hydro, you are mother nature...don't f it up...