New growth on jock horrorautoflower? pics


I have 1 jock horror autoflower under 400 watts.Its in the 7th week of flower. Around the 5th week it seemed to slow down a bit and was filling in alot. Now in the 7th week the tops of the buds have new growth. Does anybody know why? The light is about 4-6 inches away. Ive started to flush with ph water only. Should I wait 2 more weeks or cut it down now. Theres alot of milky trics but hardly any amber.:evil:


fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
I don't know about anyone else, but that seems like a pretty normal pattern. I find plants go into a stall at about 5 weeks or so. At 7 weeks, they start to fill in. If you're getting new growth like the tips are growing in length again, it may just be genetic. May be fox tailing due to overheating though.
Either way, not much to worry about. Control the environment and be patient. They look like good shit.


Active Member
Yes all of my plants slow down about week 5 and just pack it on at about week 7. just let it go. you will know when it is done


Well-Known Member
When you say 7th week of flower, what do you mean? If it's auto that should just be about 9 weeks of growth? I was thinking of trying out this strain, that's all.


Thats what the tag said from attitude seeds. I mean 7th week cause that haw long its been under 12/12. It was a month and 1 week before I put it under 12/12.

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Mae: Foxtail is when the top buds send up a little shoot or two about an inch long and very narrow. There are a lotta causes, but high heat is the usual culprit. They're trying to expand surface area to dissipate heat. At least that seems logical anyway, I don't have any science to back it up. It's not really a big deal, just makes the bud kinda ugly and it usually won't tighten up.