New here, But working with 6ft x 5ft x 5ft Room. (Northern lights)


New Member
As the topic title states,

I've never done this before, but my dog is planning on getting northern lights strain.
He don't do anything half cocked, the way he looks at it.. If he's going to do it, He's going to do it right lol.
Was hoping for some advice with were he should take this, idk how i feel about posting the grow log but maybe. Anyway back on topic,

Where would he want to start with lights? he has been reading and was thinking he should leave about 1x foot per plant.
So was thinking probably 10 plants, What kind of lighting would he want to do with a area like this? What type of venting would be the best for his little guys?

Maybe some Topics would even help him out, I know he would really appreciate some advice and some good direction.

Maybe after you can give him a good rub on his belly lol. Allllrrriighhht got a little off topic. You get were this is going haha.

P.s. my dog has some money set aside for this, so don't be scared to drop expensive numbers.
I know he doesn't wanna go with hydroponics yet though. He wants to start off with soil.

Someone with knowledge about northern lights or experiance with this strain would also be much appreciated.