New Spidermite Cure!

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
:clap: Ed rosenthals Zero Tolerance is good stuff. He has a pesticide and a fungicide. Both eliminate Spidermites fast and you can use it up to one week before harvest. Its all natural and smells really good. I have sworn by Einstean Oil for years but zero tolerance works faster. I originally bought the fungicide to get rid of some powdery mildew and noticed that the mites I had were gone too! Very pleased with this stuff!:-P Im going to use it outdoors on the armyworms this year and Im sure its gonna work great. If you have bugs or fungus this stuff is what you want to buy. Good Luck with all your '09' grow shows! :weed: Peace Out!

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info.This pretty much aids in the method of cleaning up elephant manure in the living room. A lot of money is invested to clean up the mess, but the fact begs to question why the fucking Elephant is in the living room to begin with. The honest truth is that I can't sell you a product that will take away all the shit, if the problem/elephant isn't causing a problem. It's like dealing with a fox in the chicken house so I can sell you an incubator to replace losses. The point is, there will be no Spider Mite problems or whatever, if we grow healthy soil & plants, which doesn't make much money for all the "New, Bigger & Better" marketing Companies sponsoring your sites. How many have told the truth,... that spider mites only attack plants that has a deficiency in what the plant needs. Getting a fever is a sign that something is wrong. There is a nutrient deficiency or lacking in immunity intake to give the sign. To take a hit of opium or kill the spider mites does not confront the cause of the problem is. What's so sad is that your Lady suffers with the wonderful, cool looking/sounding remedies. Sorry about standing on the soap box, but what info have you seen stating that spider mites only attack sick plants ? The silence is deafening.