Night Vision


Well-Known Member
When thinking about an outside Gorilla Grow. Getting to the plant(s) is the security hassle.

What do you think about using Night Vision?

Plant the plant(s), pop in the GPS Coordinates to the GPS Unit. And only tend to the crop at night.

If a pond or stream is within walking distance, just carry a 5 gallon bucket back and forth for water. When done watering, put all the Fert's and Bug Killers back into the 5 gallon bucket for easy on site storage.

Wear gloves so no finger prints are on anything and wear a different pair of shoes every time so the Masters can't match up shoe patterns, etc.



Well-Known Member
i've always wanted some night vision. i want goggles though. all i've ever seen is hand held. i want to use them for fishing so i need to be hands free.


New Member
I think it sounds like a good idea. I always thought about the night vision thing with a gorilla grow. I was basically only gonna use the night vision for harvest though at around 4 am before the sun comes up. I think I would be a little nervous about going to the plants as often as you are suggesting.


Well-Known Member
The Goggle Type would work best.

I live in Michigan. We usually have 1 to 1.5 month drought here. I figure plant visits shouldn't exceed 7.

One visit to plant.

One visit to doctor the freslt planted plants.

3 visits to water/fert/apply bug killer if needed.

Final visit to check/harvest.

Final visit to harvest.

Using GPS, take a different route to the plant every time. If anyone was near your plant during your visit, you'd see them 1/2 mile away.

Also, it'd be fun burning a blunt and walking up on squirrels and deer and other wild animals on a moonless night. You could pet or snack on the animals.


Well-Known Member
sounds like an adventure to me...
i bet it can get pretty crazy in the dark in the middle of a forrest..
not to mention carry a heavy ass pail of water lol...



Well-Known Member
the thought of seeing all the bugs that come out at night really creeps me out. now i'm all itchy.


Well-Known Member
not only that but the animals that are out trying to get something to eat can see you better then you can see them...even with goggles..the goggles are not that great unless you spend 2 grand or more..the ones we were issued in the middle east were nice..but they retail 8 grand a pair...we found some cheaper ones in Iraq and you couldn't see 20 feet in front of you...the nice ones have the range you need to actually see in the dark


New Member
Thanks for reinforcing my fears about the animals. Now I'm definitely not going out in the dark to my crops. Good to know about the night vision too. I guess I wont be buying a pair of those.


Well-Known Member
animals have a general fear of fire so just bring in a lighter. they also tend to run from loud noises so just scream at them.. wear bugspray and carry a handheld pellet gun to shoot anything thats trying to eat you. or just dont plant in a fucking zoo. ive though about this NVG shit be4 too and with a handheld GPS you can go pretty remote and stay safer. i plan to get a set of the rigel optics ones in the late spring and do just that. remember to wear camo and boots since you dont want to step into a huge puddle and have to walk around with wet feet. thats a good rule to follow. and bring a compass in case the GPS dies or shorts or you drop it or something. make sure you spray some deer off and even piss around the plants works to ward off animals (only works for males btw.) anyone know of a good military surplus place to buy some NVGs? or anyone know any crooked supply sergeants? ive lost most of my military contacts. but i do have a nice cache of BDUs and bags and shit.


Active Member
I was just looking at how to make your own out of of a CVS camera....

it's possible that might only work 20 ft in front you also though.