Nitrogen please


Hi.... im a first time grower
Im growing 5 big bud fem in rockwool cubes in a nft 424 system, im using the house and garden aqua flakes grow base nutes, with also some multi enzymes chucked in. Im using a 1.2x1.2x2m tent with 600w hps and rvk 100 fan
My water temp is around 20c, room temp wround 25c, room humidity around 30-35.. my lamp is about 4 ft away.
My ph was 6.1 and EC was 0.8(which ive lowered temporarily to ph 5.8 and EC 0.6) I started low as was first feed, altough when i soaked the rockwool cubes i did use solution with EC of 0.5
Now the Problem being i think is nitrogen toxicity, i noticed that one of the plants at the top of the table started gettin yellow spots on the lower(first set) leaves which have also curled under (claw like) its now started to spread to next set up. ive now noticed i another couple of plants start to twist on the lower leaves which are also darkish green.
Now the reason im at a bit of a miss as what to do is that one of the palnts at the bottom of the table seems to be doing really well and is a slighty lighter shade of green. there is a bit of twisting on lower leaves tho but otherwise its much bigger than the plant with yellow spots.
From what ive read in this situation you would normally flush with ph'd water for a day or two. the only thing is can i do this considering the other plants arnt as effected? as ive said above ive lowered the EC a tad by diluting the solution with ph'd water.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, like i said this is my first grow and i prob shoulda started with soil!!
thanks guys


ah right,, i forgot to say they only like 2 weeks old. i thought it mite be s deff at first as new growth isnt really effected.


Well-Known Member
Twisting and yellow new growth is root system issue and i think you have no pathogen control. Get some 29% grade min H2O2 use at 60:1, the 50% grade at 100:1, every 4 days in the res.