Well-Known Member
I think i under stand the full scope of the system and how it works, was just curious because runoff seems to be a pretty important part in maintaining a rootzone clean from slat build up, from what i learned so far...
judging by the photo you attached in the other thread, I really dont know what to believe any more and who to listen to, but can't argue with results thats for sure, looking spledid over there.
gotta love these totally vast differences in information from source to source smh-.-
The trick is to never overfeed. I run a low EC feed of just base nutrients and taper that down towards the end of harvest. The reason people end up with salt buildups and/or nutrient issues is because they overfeed and dump too many products on their plants. Products that the plants don't need or use which is why they build up and turn the coco/soil into an unhealthy environment for the plants which causes lockouts, deficiencies, and pH issues.