One yellow leaf up top??

Prince Vegeta

Well-Known Member
My plant has this one leaf that is yellow.
Trying to figure out why
pH is 6.5
Ffhf 1000watt mh. Ff trio nutes
Watered with just water 2 days ago
Soil is too wet still for another feeding but I'm going to be giving it half strength nutes for next feeding

What would make this one leaf yellow?
And on a side note does the newer growth look kinda little lighter than it should? I was thinking yea bit was hoping this next bleeding fixed that



Well-Known Member
Hey Prince Vegeta,
Looking good my friend. (changed my avatar)

Are you using cal mag regularly?
Harley's question is pertinent because I see a hint of Mg deficiency. It's sort of tricky because that strain seems to have pronounced veins. I forget from your previous thread...what water you're using.

Don't worry about a single yellow leaf. You just can't draw any conclusions from it. Otherwise color seems mostly ok. We'll see how it looks after next feeding. Maybe bump up the Mg+ a little with next feeding too.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i'd start off at a tea spoon per gallon, just mix it in your nute water and give it ten minutes or so to dissolve good. it will add a fair amount of ppm, so you might want to cut your nutes back some when you add the epsom salts

Prince Vegeta

Well-Known Member
i'd start off at a tea spoon per gallon, just mix it in your nute water and give it ten minutes or so to dissolve good. it will add a fair amount of ppm, so you might want to cut your nutes back some when you add the epsom salts
How soon would this need to be done?
I ask because i watered it today with nute feeding. But i had zero runoff from the gallon i fed it.
2 partquestion.
Should I feed it again tonighttill I getrunoff.
And if yes to that should i addepson salt to that watering?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
the sooner the better, but let it dry out before you water again. over watering brings a whole slew of new problems, don't go there.
you can foliar spray epsom salts, and it gets in their system quickly. i'd do that once or maybe twice while waiting for your soil to dry, then go to adding it to their water.
id add it about the same strength, 1/4 tsp to a quart spray bottle of water, make sure you lift the leaves up and spray the undersides, and do it while they still have at least a couple of hours before lights out

Prince Vegeta

Well-Known Member
the sooner the better, but let it dry out before you water again. over watering brings a whole slew of new problems, don't go there.
you can foliar spray epsom salts, and it gets in their system quickly. i'd do that once or maybe twice while waiting for your soil to dry, then go to adding it to their water.
id add it about the same strength, 1/4 tsp to a quart spray bottle of water, make sure you lift the leaves up and spray the undersides, and do it while they still have at least a couple of hours before lights out
Awesome thanks so much bro gonna pick up some salts to ight at Wal-Mart
My light comes on 2 hours before i get home from work but goes off 2 hours before I leave
I am sorry to KEEPpestering but if I follow correctly I will be spraying the 1/4 Epson salt solution on the bottom side of the leaves.
Hopefully its sunny out side cause I would liketosetthem outside before i did that rather than try to spray near my light
It is still not really using the net so a day outsidewouldnthurti wouldn't think.
Reallythqnksfor the help omw to study up on Epson salute in plants

Also on the runoff is it bad that I didn't get any? Doea that mean I likelyhave dry soil at the bottom?
Still trying to learn these fabric pots as well lol
Such a noob



Well-Known Member
Hey PV,
I looked at your latest photo. Looks to me like your scrog screen is too close. I've actually never done it so maybe someone else can give you a number. Just a guess but maybe raise it a foot.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
you don't have to get run off every time, every third or fourth time will do, as long as you're getting at least 10%. it is a good idea to get the whole pot wet when you water, but you don't have to water log it.
you can water to run off every time you water, but it will take longer for them to need to be watered again. just a choice of styles, i guess, which ever feels better to you.
in soil i would alternate feed and water, even if you're watering to run off each time.