Ooooo shit i need help please!!!!!!

Ok so i have 1 plant got good light system on it everything is going good about 10 inches 8 sets started its seven leaf leafs i was getten ready to start flowering and i know not to allow light in on the night cycle so i needed to seal up some light gaps...... like an idiot i used just ur run of the mill Caulking and i came back 20 mins later my plant stems and stalk are all still very strong but the leafs all wilted exept for the new seven set wat should i do is it ganna be ok ( got it in fresh air for now ) Helppppp!!!!!!

Jamaican Mon'

Well-Known Member
My guess is you sealed it up to tight, a plant also needs CO2 or Carbon which then a plant releases Oxygen. I hope we all understand this, so having said that you need a good air exchange or you will sufficate it. Keep in mind CO2 is pushed down closer to the floor, and Oxygen rises with the heat.

Good luck