Ordering a 400w HPS. How much fan will I need?


Right now I just have a couple cfls vegging.. my closet is like, 5ft x 2ft x 7ft but only 4 x 2 x 7 is being used (clothes hanging in the last bit).

I have one door cracked, and a fan blowing on that side that moves a good big of air. The other side of the closet is also open like a foot to let air out. I'm going to add another weakish tower fan, and crank up the smaller like 1ft across circle fan later on.

So far it is moving a lot of air, but I don't know if it's ventilating. My house is air conditioned... but I don't think it till kick on if just my closet area and around there is hot :P. But still, is this do-able? At night I close the closet and let them have their dark period with everything turned off... Would a 250w be my only option due to heat?

The hood isn't cooled, and I'm not setting up inline cooling.


Active Member
I would say that would be the limit without an air cooled hood,the next option is a 400 and you will need to have that air cooled,I would do a dry run first to see how high the temps get and take it from there


I'm sure there's at least 70 cfm of fan power.One is heavy wind and one is a breeze.. but will just moving the hair around and having the closet open be sufficient?


Well-Known Member
I run a 6" fan (I think it pulls ~400cfm), and running through 2 400w hoods it keeps a 300cuft closet around 78-80f ambient. 12" from the lights is around 83f. A single hood in most situations I would think a 4" centrifugal fan would do the job, I certainly wouldn't go under 6" for more than one hood, or if you want light closer than 10-12"

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I use a 180cfm exhaust and a 120cfm intake fan for my 400w in a 2x4x5 tent. I can keep temperatures around 80 without any assistance. The AC unit in the room allows me to keep the room at 72 degrees which keeps the tent around 74 to 78 degrees.

I suggest you don't skimp on the ventilation. Also, closing the door allows the humidity to reach ungodly heights. You should been keeping an eye on this as it can increase the chances of mold and other funkiness.

What's your budget right now look like. I'm thinking, Light plus ventilation is at least $300 right? For another $100 you can get a tent for that space and you wouldn't have to worry about closing the door anymore.


Well-Known Member
....don't wear those clothes, or everyone will know you're a grower, or pothead, at least.lol :razz:


Active Member
Your clothes will reek before this is over if you don't get them out of that closet. And you have to scrub the air. Fragrance is probable cause. They don't need a warrant if they can smell it and can trick you into opening the door. Watch the Never Get Busted videos for some good info on that.




Active Member
I built 2 four inch fans (not sure of cfm) for my hood now it is air cooled but here is hope. It's a 400w hps and I can keep temps inside my tent 2ftx2ftx5 around 82 with a low of 77 lights on and a high of 86 if it's like 100 outside. Oh I also ducted the rooms air-conditioning into the tent I'm sure that's what helps the most.

You may think about ducting the AC of the room to the closet also get a cheap box fan to blow air out of the room like wedge it in the door for some air exchange in the house if your trying to be more stealthy have the box fan tilted and blowing toward the light to disperse the air from the plants. Hope this helped. It was he'll getting my temps below 94. Good luck.


Lol [: well I am actually fine with my clothes smelling like ganja! I smoke everyday, before school and after :P. It's chill. So after having like 150w of cfl's keep it just as cool as outside I'll assume the 400wer will be ok. (Btw, the fan is still on Low and the other one isn't on).